Tokyo metropolisMeasuring vulnerability to COVID-19 and healthcare accessibility at the fine-grained level serves as the foundation for spatially explicit health planning and policy making in response to future public health crises. However, the evaluation of vulnerability and healthcare accessibility is...
Since the 1980s, natural evolution and intense human activities have superimposed a significant change in the pattern of resources and environment in the Yellow River Basin, which further affects its development and utilization distribution and leads to a lot of problems such as resource shortage, e...
In the 1989 study, citizens thought environmental problems had improved compared with the past, nearly 1.7 % thought things had improved, 31 % thought that they had stayed the same, and nearly 21 % thought that they had worsened. Some 75 % of those surveyed expressed concern about endangered...
环境问题environmental problems英语作文 热度: food safety and environmental issues in animal welfare:动物福利中的食品安全与环境问题 热度: 环境工程手册 Environmental Engineers' Handbook 热度: EnvironmentalDilemmas Environmental Dilemmas Ethicsanddecisions
The air pollution was worsened by car exhaust. The health problems caused by all this pollution became a serious problem in Japan. M. Nakamura’s research was in part supported by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Japan Foundation....
Recalling his first visit to China 20 years ago, Paddack spoke highly of China and the Chinese government's efforts in transforming the development model toward an eco-friendly, innovative and sustainable direction within the boundaries of the ecosystem. ...
Although the realization of environmental justice in general is still challenging, it is still evaluated as an important emerging concept useful for solving problems of disproportionate environmental distribution and burden in Asian countries. This chapter addresses environmental justice issues in Asia from ...
Cities Takuya Uzumaki Environmental problems are increasing at a fast pace: water and food shortages due to rapid population growth; climate change; the exhaustion of resources and energy sources; pollution of water, soil, and the atmosphere; and the decrease in biodiversity, to name a few...
Akesson, N. B., and Yates, W. E., 1964, Problems relating to application of agricultural chemicals and resulting drift residues,Ann. Rev. Entomol.9:285–318. CASGoogle Scholar Akesson, N. B., Bayer, D. E., and Yates, W. E., 1970, Reducing contamination risks from aerial pesticide ...
Environmental problems are diffuse and cross borders and jurisdictions. Incentives can arise to ignore transboundary impacts and neglect the management of shared resources, particularly when the diffuse nature of the benefits makes free riding on the efforts of others attractive. In the Arctic, the ...