14.Which of these gases is not permitted to be released by the Prevention and Control of Pollution Act by the Government? a. Sulphur Dioxide b. Carbon Monoxide c. Nitrogen Oxide d. All of the above Answer:(d) All of the above
these were some environmental chemistry neet questions. for more on neet, visit byju’s. recommended neet chemistry mcq mcqs on organic chemistry mcqs on p block elements mcqs on states of matter mcqs on redox reaction mcqs on chemical equilibrium mcqs on thermodynamics mcqs on periodic ...
Environmental pollution affects View Solution The environmental resistance means View Solution A: Holistic approach explains the environmental interactions. R: All environmental factors are integrated with no limits of time and space View Solution Environmental temperature is rising' Comment on the stateme...
View Solution 'Smog' is the most common example of air pollution. a) The smog that occurs in cool humid climate is called smog. b) Explain the cause of 'Greenhouse effect'. View Solution Particulate pollutants are the minute solid particles or liquid droplets in air. Write any two adverse...
A: Provisioning services are disrupted by increased combustion of fossil fuels, which leads to an increase in air pollution. Directions: Each of the questions or incomplete statements below is followed by five suggested answers or completions. Select the one that is best in each case. ...
Mercury contamination from artisanal gold mining in Antioquia, Colombia: the world’s highest per capita mercury pollution 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2011.09.006 Google Scholar Corporación Autónoma Regional del Centro de Antioquia (CORANTIOQUIA) 2020
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