5 Year Impact Factor11.4 Cite Score15.9 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)8 Social Media Mentions228 Downloads287,249 Current Pollution Reports Impact Factor6.4 5 Year Impact Factor8.2 Cite Score12.1 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)3 Social Media Mentions217 Downloads281,82...
YearImpact Factor (IF)Total ArticlesTotal Cites 2023 (2024 update)-- 20225.8-144871 20215.190-110000 20204.223503272761 20193.056309746033 20182.914316034055 20172.800245423733 20162.741228316893 20152.760185010766 20142.82812926684 20132.7578274096 20122.6184072657
• Laboratory and field studies on the remediation/mitigation of environmental pollution via new techniques and with clear links to biological, ecological, or human health effects; • Modeling of pollution processes, patterns, or trends that is of clear environmental and/or human health interest;...
The ongoing severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has triggered the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) that has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives worldwide. This virus spreads predominantly by human-to-human transmission via respir
Environmental pollution and energy poverty have always been serious challenges for the global energy system. Based on the panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2005 to 2020, this paper uses FE and sys-GMM models to explore the impact of environmental
摘要原文 Purpose The ESG factor, which consists of environmental, social, and governance factors, represents the non-financial performance of a company. United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment invites investors to consider ESG issues when evaluating the performance of any company. Moreover,...
(MPP+)68. Although rural living and agricultural jobs have been touted as significant risk factors for developing PD, this appears to be chiefly due to increased exposure to pesticides69,70. Living in urban areas with high levels of air pollution has also been linked to an increased risk of...
3.1. Impact of Different Environmental Regulations on Enterprises’ Green Innovation In order to effectively address the environmental pollution problems caused by the production process of enterprises and to achieve the goal of environmental protection and sustainable economic development, government departments...
Additionally, since this study only focused on the environmental impact of on-road vehicles due to traffic diversions, only hot emissions occurring when the vehicle engine was operating in the normal regime were considered. Based on the hot emission factor [41], the emission factors of pollution ...
A growing body of epidemiologic and toxicologic literature indicates that fine airborne particulate matter (PM2.5) pollution is neurotoxic and threatens children’s neurobehavioral development, resulting in reduced cognitive function. Understanding the magnitude of this effect is critical for establishing publi...