Growth and Change . 1997The Dupuy,Damian.Technological change and environmental policy. Growth and Change . 1997Technological change and environmental policy: the diffusion of environmental technology - Dupuy - 1997Dupuy, D. (1997). Technological change and environmental policy: The diffusion of ...
毕业论文英文资料翻译学 院: 商学院 专 业: 国际经济与贸易 班 级: 国贸0804 姓 名: 孔梅 学 号: 0811200330 指导教师: 李平 2012年 6 月 Environmental Policy and Technological Change ADAM B. JAFFE Brandeis University Abstract: The relationship between technological change and environmental policy has ...
帮助and 系统标签: technologicalenvironmentalpolicystavinsjaffegriliches FondazioneEniEnricoMattei EnvironmentalPolicyand TechnologicalChange AdamB.Jaffe,RichardG.Newelland RobertN.Stavins NOTADILAVORO26.2002 APRIL2002 ETA–EconomicTheoryandApplications AdamB.Jaffe,DepartmentofEconomics,BrandeisUniversity andNationalBurea...
41 Environmental Policy and Technological Change ADAM B. JAFFE1, RICHARD G. NEWELL2 and ROBERT N. STAVINS3? 1 Department of Economics, Brandeis University and National Bureau of Economic Research; 2 Resources for the Future; 3 John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University and ...
The relationship between technological changeand environmental policy has receivedincreasing attention from scholars and policymakers alike over the past t
Even when stricter environmental policy induces some pollution-saving technological change, it may do so at the cost of a reduced overall rate of innovation, which crowds out production and consumption, and thus makes environmental policy more costly. Finally, the presence of additional distortions ...
图书Technological Change and Environmental Policy 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
Environmental Policy and Technological Change: The effects of economic incentives and direct regulation on energy-saving innovation Over the long run, the impacts of environmental policies will be greatly affected by the influence these policies have on the rate and direction of technol... RG Newell...
This paper investigates the impact of the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) on technological change, exploiting installations level inclusion criteria to estimate the System's causal impact on firms' patenting. We find that the EU ETS has increased low-carbon innovation among regulated...
The effects of climate policy on the rate and direction of innovation: A survey of the EU ETS and the electricity sector This article aims to empirically assess the impact of climate policy on technological change—a core objective of climate policy—by focussing on the chang... Tobias S. Sc...