Well integrity is the application of “technical, operational and organizational solutions to reduce the risk of uncontrolled [and unintended] release of formation fluids throughout the life cycle of a well” (Standards Norway2013). Saline formation water, crude oil and/or natural gas migration can...
Health & Safety Consulting The challenges and opportunities surrounding occupational health & safety are continuously changing. Guardian EHS is here to help. Learn more Guardian EHS Focuses on the 3 C’s: COST, COMPLIANCE, COMPETENCECOST Guardian EHS delivers economical solutions for your EHS issues...
"Heil Rotomold Inc. a Phoenix (Arix.) subsidiary of the Heil Co., has announced the acquisition of the assets of Fiber-Glass Specialists Inc., a manufacturer of plastic refuse containers. The subsidary of the Milwaukee-based Heil also has announced the acquisiton of Litter-Lift Systems Inc....