state, and local environmental laws and regulations. As highly experienced practitioners in environmental law, our attorneys have assisted clients with matters involving environmental litigation, Superfund, Brownfields, California’s Proposition 65, enforcement defense,...
state court, asserting state law claims, including nuisance, violations of consumer protection laws, and products liability. Chicago now joins other plaintiffs that have filed similar lawsuits in state courts across the country against corporations involved in the production, marketing, and…Continue ...
(AP) — At a state briefing on environmental rules that await growers entering California’s soon-to-be-legal marijuana trade, organic farmers Ulysses Anthony, Tracy Sullivan and Adam Mernit listened intently, eager to make their humble cannabis plot a model of sustainable agriculture ...
Find out more about the California Motor Vehicle Pollution Laws » United States Motor Vehicle Pollution Laws In the US, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ), has limits for motor vehicle emissions. There are exhaust emissions limits and ther...
10. Bogoshian will begin his work at EPA Feb. 22 assisting Cynthia Giles, EPA assistant administrator for enforcement and compliance assurance, in overseeing enforcement of national environmental laws .Andrew ChildersEnvironment Reporter
existingenvironmentaljusticelawsSB115(Chapter728,Statutesof1999),SB89(Chapter690, Statutesof2000)andSB828(Chapter765,Statutesof2001).Thesixsectionsofthereport reflectthecomprehensiveapproachtakenbyCal/EPAanditsBoards,Departments,andOffices inachievingenvironmentaljustice.Thetopicareasaddresshowenvironmentaljusticeisbe...
In other words, the order appears to anticipate sending more water to farmers, regardless not just of environmental laws but also of the needs of Los Angeles and other southern-California cities. (The order isn't clear on this point, and another possibility is that the order anticipates that...
The aim of this paper is to analyze the effects of Grenelle I and Grenelle II laws on financial performance, social performance, and risk-taking in France. The study is focussed on SBF120 (The SBF120 index consists of the 120 largest capitalizations listed on the French Stock Exchange market...
Our water quality lawyers draw on wide-ranging experience to assist US and global clients in complying with federal, state, and local water quality laws. We regularly advise on the federal Clean Water Act, the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, California’s Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Ac...
NETGEAR maintains a zero-tolerance policy for forced labor and human trafficking. In an effort to support the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 (SB657), the UK Modern Slavery Act of 2015, and to confront slavery, NETGEAR is assessing risk related to our supply chain and ou...