•TheStateguaranteesandrationaluseofnaturalresourcesandprotectsrareanimalsandplants,toprohibitanyorganizationorindividualbywhatevermeansisappropriateordestructionofnaturalresources;•WinningStatesprotectmonuments,relics,andotherimportanthistoricalandculturalheritage;CHINA'SMAINENVIRONMENTALLAWSANDREGULATIONS Environmental...
TheStateguaranteesandrationaluseofnaturalresourcesandprotectsrareanimalsandplants,toprohibitanyorganizationorindividualbywhatevermeansisappropriateordestructionofnaturalresources;WinningStatesprotectmonuments,relics,andotherimportanthistoricalandculturalheritage;• CHINA'SMAINENVIRONMENTALLAWSANDREGULATIONS EnvironmentalProtection...
Public participation in environmental decision making has beenfacilitatedin Europe andNorth Americaby laws thatmandateextensive public access to government information on the environment. Similar measures at the international level include the Rio Declaration and the 1998Århus Convention, which committed the...
The limits on executive authority extend to state laws as well as federal. In some settings, federal law can preempt state law, though the federal law must be enacted constitutionally rather than by executive fiat. But for California water, the Reclamation Act, which is governing legal authority...
1. 环境法律 scaling laws_翻译 ... 反垄断法: antitrust laws 环境法律: environmental Laws 监管法律: supervising laws ... www.lw23.com|基于4个网页 例句 释义: 全部,环境法律 更多例句筛选 1. In a unified national economy, the existence of a multitude of differing state environmental laws can ...
Therewere,ofcourse,numerousstateandsome federallawsintendedtoprotectAmerica'srivers andstreamsfromexcessiveindustrialpollutionand toguardwildlifefromthedepredationsofman. 当然,已经有了许多州法和一些联邦法,其立 法意图是保护美国的江河,使之免受过分的工
aenvironmental law and regulations enacted and enforced by local, national, or international entities to regulate human treatment of the nonhuman world. The vast field covers a broad range of topics in diverse legal settings, such as state bottle-return laws in the United States, 地方,全国或者国...
manyfederal,stateandlocalagencies,most ofwhichwereseriouslyundermanned,and withnoncompliancepenaltiessoslightasto havelittlemorethanharassmentvalue,there werefewincentivestoobeythelaws. 由于执行这些法律的权力分散在众多的联邦、 州和地方等三级机构,而这些机构大多严重人 ...
During the annual political sessions,environmental protection was definitely among the biggest concerns.Actually,it was also an issue that ancient Chinese paid great attention to.In fact,the world's earliest environmental protection concept,ministry and laws were all born in China.So,how did the ...
2. There were, of course, numerous state and some federal laws intended to protect America's rivers and streams from excessive industrial pollution and to guard wildlife from the de前一单元dations of man.当然,已经有了各市地多州法和一些联邦法,其立法意图是保护美国的江河,使之免受过分的工业污染...