In September 2020, Governor Murphy signed a historic piece of environmental justice legislation that takes these principles further. The new statute requires DEP to evaluate the environmental and public health impacts of certain facilities on “overburdened communities” when reviewing permit applications ...
Among state lawmakers in California, we found Democrats are receiving more money from the oil industry, and Democrats in the statehouse vote with the oil industry and against environmental legislation more than a quarter of the time. That is according to a CBS News California analysi...
cantaloupe production in california加利福尼亚哈密瓜生产 热度: CaliforniaEnvironmentalProtection Agency(Cal/EPA) EnvironmentalJusticeProgram ProgramImplementationReport 2 nd &3 rd QuarterlyReport July-December2001 1 2 nd &3 rd QuarterlyReport ThroughDecember2001 ...
as well as drive public policy and discourse. Notably, the State of California recently passed new legislation (SCAQMD AB 617) requiring air districts to establish “community air monitoring systems” that include community input and low-cost sensors, the first regulation of its kind in the world...
California Air Resources Board, regarding California's climatic change legislation and the environmental justice community of the Board. The community expressed dissatisfaction with the regulations and argues that inadequacies in regulations violate the state legislation. California courts dissented and ...
The Senate leaders also play an important role in appointing members of their party to the Senate committees, which consider and process legislation and exercise general control over government agencies and departments. The vice president of the United States serves as the president of the Senate ...
In other words, the order appears to anticipate sending more water to farmers, regardless not just of environmental laws but also of the needs of Los Angeles and other southern-California cities. (The order isn't clear on this point, and another possibility is that the order anticipates that...
The Trump administration has signaled its intention to promote the nuclear industry through a number of early executive actions, though legislation would likely be needed to create meaningful changes in this regard. Notwithstanding this apparent support for nuclear energy, federal agencies have been ...
The environmental justice movement has made many strides across the world, with local victories rarely celebrated in the Imperial Valley. We invite you to listen from the elders of the EJ movement in our region, and listen to the strides that have been made in our region, and where we can...
Mabel Tsang, political director for the California Environmental Justice Alliance and a steering committee member for the campaign, said the campaign money launched the environmental justice coalition’s advocacy work into a new category. “This is our first time working with hundreds...