Taken together, the analyses and case studies suggest that environmental justice—which highlights both broader issues of global injustice and local concerns—holds tremendous promise as a way to understand and address environmental inequities in Latin America and elsewhere. :Henri Acselrad, David V. ...
the analyses and case studies suggest that environmental justice--which highlights both broader issues of global injustice and local concerns--holds tremendous promise as a way to understand and address environmental inequities in Latin America and elsewhere. Contributors: Henri Acselrad, David V. Carru...
(理论课一页纸读书报告,内容总结为主,抛砖引玉)本次读书报告阅读的著作为Environmental Justice: Key Issues,由比利时鲁汶大学的Brendan Coolsaet教授主编,2020年出版,汇集了由24位国际学者撰写的有关环境正义研究的导论性质的文章,相比The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Justice 和 The Cambridge Handbook of Envir...
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan announces a new federal office of environmental justice at a ceremony in Warrenton, N.C., on Saturday, Sept. 24, 2022. (AP Photo/Hannah Schoenbaum) By HANNAH SCHOENBAUM, Associated Press/Report for America WARRENTON, N.C. (AP) — P...
That brings us to climate change. It is fast becoming the most pressing of all environmental issues worldwide. As a result, "climate justice" is a term that I hear often. What are your main concerns for the future as climate change continues to get worse?
Environmental justice issues (Becca and Celestin): my article points out that traffic levels fell within the London congestion zone but not outside it, and Becca and Celestin both point out that the projections in New York are for traffic levels outside the zone not to improve and possibly to...
The Supreme Court begins its 2022 term with a new justice on the bench and a large docket of cases touching on issues such as voting rights. CBS News' Anne-Marie Green offers an overview of a few of the biggest cases ahead. Oct 3, 2022 ...
Health outcomes remain poor in Nigeria; the country ranks low in environmental quality despite supporting environmental treaties and laws. The burden of diseases in the country is in part related to poor environmental quality and is linked to environmental justice issues, such as mining, energy ...
This institutional setup severely restricts the ability of China’s environmental vulnerable groups to protect their rights and masks many environmental issues that truly need improvement, hindering the realization of environmental justice. From a comparative perspective, compared to countries like the ...
Socio-cultural Challenges in Environmental Management: A Sociological Approach Chapter © 2021 Local to Global Intersections of Environmental Justice, Social Practice, and Climate Change Article 29 January 2025 Environmental Management: Issues and Concerns Chapter © 2021 Author information Authors...