Main article: Environmental organization Environmental issues are addressed at a regional, national or international level by government organizations. The largest international agency, set up in 1972, is the United Nations Environment Programme. The International Union for Conservation of Nature brings toge...
In recent years, environmental issues have become increasingly central to the analysis of the well-being of individuals and communities, and much progress has been made in measuring environmental conditions, understanding their impacts, and establishing the right of access to information about the enviro...
Article Google Scholar Amirian ES (2020) Potential fecal transmission of SARS-CoV-2: current evidence and implications for public health. Int J Infect Dis 95:363–370 Article CAS Google Scholar Andersen KG, Rambaut A, Lipkin WI, Holmes EC, Garry RF (2020) The proximal origin of SARS-CoV...
Show all article previewsShow all article previews Contents Regular articles SI:Sediment & Environ Pollu SI: Aqua & Environ Pollu Global Challenges of Air Pollution and Climate Change to Forests Receive an update when the latest issues in this journal are publishedSign in to set up alerts ...
Article Google Scholar Kaika D, Zervas E (2013b) The environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) theory. Part B: critical issues. Energy Policy 62:1403–1411 Article Google Scholar Kao C (1999) Spurious regression and residual-based tests for cointegration in panel data. J Econ 90(1):1–44 Artic...
Current Issue Most Download Archive Articles in press have been peer-reviewed and accepted, which are not yet assigned to volumes /issues, but are citable by Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Predicting Postoperative Circulatory Complications in Older Patients: A Machine Learning Approach Xiaoyun Hu...
At the same time, they allow for much more frequent testing than on open water, with no concern over permitting issues. The analytical problems abound, however, and parameters may be as difficult to control or measure as at sea. 1. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)/Fisheries and Oceans ...
Similar to the GSS, Pew Research Center has included a battery measuring how much priority respondents believe should be given to national political issues.Climate change prioritizationis operationalized using the prompt “Please tell me how much priority you think each should be given. Should [global...
Article Google Scholar Lagomarsino S, Giovinazzi S (2006) Macroseismic and mechanical models for the vulnerability and damage assessment of current buildings. Bull Earthq Eng 4(4):415–443. Article Google Scholar Sorrentino L, Cattari S, da Porto...
the scale and goals of each car-free initiative. In some cases, car-free days and events were successful in reducing the concentration of certain air pollutants but had little or adverse impacts on the concentration of others. Issues of traffic diversions, environmental injustice, erosion of ...