These findings support the hypothesis that neighborhood members are aware of the issues affecting their community and can offer researchers valuable assistance in every stage of study design and execution.SansomGarettBerkePhilipMcDonaldThomasShipp
Environmental Issues Affecting People With the dawn of the industrial revolution, a global economy has emerged, and our population has grown exponentially. Understanding our external physical, biological and chemical environment, and how it affects individuals and man-made systems, has become an essentia...
affectingthecreatureswithwhomwesharetheplanet:Lightpollutionfromcoastalcitiescantrickcorals(珊瑚)into reproducingoutsideoftheoptimumtimeswhentheywouldnormallyreproduce. Usingacombinationoflightpollutiondataandspawning(产卵)observations,researcherswereabletoshowforthe firsttimethatcoralsexposedtoALANarespawningonetothreedays...
Purpose The ESG factor, which consists of environmental, social, and governance factors, represents the non-financial performance of a company. United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment invites investors to consider ESG issues when evaluating the performance of any company. Moreover, nowadays,...
Climate change, loss of biodiversity, and environmental pollution are urgent issues facing the international community, affecting the future of humanity. China, as the world's largest developing country, and Africa, as the continent wi...
However, there are limitations to the use of benthic, free-living organisms as bioindicators, such as the following: 1) the large number of samples (and funding) required for quantitative sampling; 2) seasonal variation affecting the distribution and abundance of the organisms in addition to the...
Finally, a regulatory endeavor in one of these modalities translates into a modification in the other modalities, in the end, affecting the behavior of the pathetic dot. In other words, a transformation in one of these modalities affects the other modalities either by empowering them or diminishin...
3.Inspiremorepeopletopayattentiontothedailyenvironmentalissueandtakeactionbymakingyour presentationabouttheenvironmentalproposal. 【ContextandTask】 Therearesmallenvironmentalissuesinourcommunityoronourcampus,whichbringbigimpacts, suchasplasticbagwaste,energyconversation,wasterconversation,wastesortingsystemforrecycling, et...
The analysis of environmental issues and the pursuit of environmental justice have gained significant attention in modern times. While progress has been ma
The Nows – the 17% of respondents who believe environmental issues are already materially affecting their companies’ finances and operations – stand out because they are significantly ahead of even the Imminents in each of the areas listed above. They also have more committed leadership. Our su...