We also performed sensitivity experiments to examine the impacts of sea spray and use of a 2‐km‐mesh horizontal resolution. Also, analogous experiments were performed with Typhoon Mike (1990), which followed a similar track but was less intense than Haiyan. For both TCs, ocean coupling helped...
Together, racism and climate change interact and have disproportionate effects on the lives of minoritised people both within countries and between the Global North and the Global South. This paper has three main aims. First, to survey the literature on the unequal health impacts of climate ...
Providing first evidence of the behaviour and potential environmental impacts of an accidental underwater release of propane Claudio Bravo-Linares, Claudio Araya, Enrique Muñoz-Arcos, Daniela Cabrera, ... Stephen M. Mudge Article 116683 select article Compromising situation of India’s bio-medical ...
“Adaptation” refers to policies helping protect citizens, the economy, and the environment from climate change impacts like storms, drought, flooding, landslides, and heat waves. Climate change “mitigation” refers to policies aiming at a reduction of carbon emissions from the transportation, garbag...
To make a bad situation worse, the impact of recent environmental catastrophic events (shock of the earthquake and the super typhoon Haiyan) left substantial damages to infrastructures, wiping out agriculture and fisheries. At present, there is very limited information on soil loss and redistribution...
[California’s long-standing drought and high wildfire numbers; Hurricane Katrina devastation; Midwest flooding; Hurricane Sandy; Supertyphoon Haiyan …] which many credible scientists have said are linked to a warming climate and oceans, are evidence enough that we ought as society begin to act ...
We also performed sensitivity experiments to examine the impacts of sea spray and use of a 2-km-mesh horizontal resolution. Also, analogous experiments were performed with Typhoon Mike (1990), which followed a similar track but was less intense than Haiyan. For both TCs, ocean coupling helped ...
Typhoon Haiyan (2013) intensified rapidly and reached a central pressure of 895 hPa over the warm northwestern Pacific. To clarify why Haiyan became such an extraordinarily intense tropical cyclone (TC), we investigated the impacts of atmospheric and oceanic conditions and air‐sea interfacial ...
The theory about the impacts of natural disasters on firms is ambiguous and the empirical evidence on this topic is scarce, which hampers the design of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation policies. In this paper we identify the short-run impacts of storms and floods on firm gr...
Hence, local wisdom emerges as an effort to manage the changes that may be encountered, increasing the opportunities for profits and minimizing the negative impacts. Therefore, the value of local knowledge and wisdom in TAMR, which provides instructions and guidelines in nature conservation, is ...