The proliferation of plastics has resulting in contamination across a range of environments, from remote lakes to the deepest oceans; however, the effects in the marine environment remain the most studied. Here, plastic have been observed to negatively affect habitats by altering species distribution,...
Plastic pollution is arguably one of the most challenging forms of contamination. It impacts terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems and the organisms
Plastic pollution impacts the environment, society, economies, and human health. Plastic objects can persist in the oceans for up to hundreds of years, all the while constantly breaking down into microplastics – increasing the damage to marine life and becoming even more challenging to clean up. ...
In 2017, China announced an unprecedented ban on its import of most plastic waste, resulting in a sharp decline in global plastic waste trade flow and changes in the treatment structure of countries, whose impacts on global environmental sustainability are enormous but yet unexamined. Here, through...
“Consumers tend to focus on the impact of the packaging, rather than the impact of the product itself,” said Miller, author of “Five misperceptions surrounding the environmental impacts of single-use plastic.” But mindful consumption that reduces the need for products and eliminates wastefulness...
Plastics have become inevitable for human beings in their daily life. Million tons of plastic waste is entering in oceans, soil, freshwater, and sediments. Invasion of plastics in different ecosystems is causing severe problems to inhabitants. Wild animals such as seabirds, fishes, crustaceans, and...
Thus, it is important to assess the impact of MPs pollution in aquaculture environments. In recent years, most reviews focused on the influences of MPs pollution on different areas of the environment, as shown in Supplementary Table S1. However, few reviews address the impacts on aquaculture ...
Environmental impacts on recycling and reuse of plastic materials.We are polluting our environment at every moment but not sufficiently trying to solve the issues. One measure taken by the govt. not to use plastic bags but in everywhere it is going on use resulting pollution of soil, air, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 119(1), 12–22. Article CAS Google Scholar Andrady, A. L., & Koongolla, B. (2022). Degradation and fragmentation of microplastics. Plastics and the Ocean: Origin, Characterization, Fate, and Impacts, 227–268....
Impacts of microplastics in organismsPlastics and microplastics are ubiquitous contaminants in aquatic ecosystems. This critical review is the first attempt at analyzing sources, concentration, impacts and solutions of (micro)plastic litter in Portugal based on all currently available literature. We found ...