"Environmental Impacts of Mining" is a comprehensive reference addressing some of the most significant environmental problems associated with mining. These issues include destruction of landscapes, destruction of agricultural and forest lands, sedimentation and erosion, soil contamination, surface and groundwa...
Langer WH. Environmental impacts of mining natural aggregate. In: Bon RL, Riordan RF, Tripp BT, Krukowski ST, editors. Proc. 35th Forum on the Geology of Industrial Minerals-- The Intermountain West Forum: Utah. Geol Surv Mis Pub; 2001. p. 127-37....
and Investment in Africa Mining Nordiska, South Africa: Golden House Co.Anistratov B.A. (2004): Environmental impact of mining. `Sbornik journal' 4 (6): 34 - 39. Moscow.Jain, R., Cui, Z. & Domen J.K., Environmental Impacts of Mining, (Chapter 4). Environmental Impact of Mining ...
The extraction of minerals from nature often creates imbalances, which adversely affect the environment. The key environmental impacts of mining are onwildlife and fishery habitats, the water balance, local climates & the pattern of rainfall,sedimentation, the depletion of forests and the disruption of...
Datasets from in situ warming experiments across 28 arctic and alpine tundra sites covering a span of less than 1 year up to 25 years show the importance of local soil conditions and warming-induced changes therein for future climatic impacts on ecosystem respiration. S. L. Maes...
Next, it analyses mineral resource mining options free of negative environmental impacts. The fundamental tool to assess potential environmental impacts of mining is the implementation of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process for a given mineral resource. In the Czech Republic environmental...
Coal has remained the main source of energy in the UK from 1700 to the end of 1970s, and it still plays an important rolein the power generation. The paper discusses the current coal consumption in the UK together with environmental impacts of coalmining, coal processing and coal utilisation...
World Rainforest Movement (2004), Mining: "Social and Environmental Impacts".IUCN (2004): Mining: Social and Environmental Impacts. (World Rainforest Movement). http:/www.wrm.org.uyary 1996.Carrere, R. (ed.). 2004. Mining: Social and Environmental Im- pacts. London: World Rainforest ...
: Nishida, T; Esaki, T; Kimura, T; Kameda, N Proc International Symposium on Modern Mining Technology, Taian, October 1988P85–92. Publ Taian: Shandong Institute of Mining and Technology, 1988Show moreShow less Choose an option to locate/access this article: Check if you have access ...
Mining, Social and Environmental ImpactsFonseca