Floods that havoc extensive areas of land and displaced thousands of people; Coincidental occurrence of widespread changes in Honduran rural society with the dam-induced changes; Documentation of the environmental and social changes caused by the dam.Loker...
Mortality caused by tropical cyclones in the United States A large-scale evaluation of the long-term effects of tropical cyclones on human mortality in the contiguous United States estimates that the average tropical cyclone results in 7,000–11,000 excess deaths, far exceeding previous estimates....
caused by the ignition of a volatile mixture of methane gas and coal dust within an underground mine shaft. The immediate aftermath of the explosion was devastating, resulting in the loss of over 1
IN: THE FULL COSTS AND BENEFITS OF TRANSPORTATION: CONTRIBUTIONS TO THEORY, METHOD AND MEASURE... The paper examines estimates of the damages caused by air pollution emissions from transportation sources. A summary of dollar per gallon air pollution dam... A Krupnick,R Rowe,CM Lang 被引量: ...
Promotion of manufacturing which can lead to the mitigation of climate changes, adaptation to them, and reduction of their impacts Improvement of energy usage efficiency, such as through energy saving and conservation Promotion of measures to reduce energy waste and losses, focusing on JIT and auto...
“predator spreaders”). Then, third, note how densities of these factors influence losses can also indirectly shift components of the gains. For instances, trophic cascades caused by predators could increase resource density (hence propagule production)—but, then again diluter-competitors may ...
The synergy of environmental and microbiological changes caused by hydrologic management on carbon emissions of river reservoirs remains unknown. Here, we investigated physiochemistry parameters, compositions of dissolved organic matter (DOM), carbon fluxes (CH4 and CO2), and microbial communities in the...
Environmental changes have led to a growing conflict between water supply and demand in Qinjiang River. This paper used the data of monthly rainfall, runof
High precipitation in summer can lead to sudden changes of flow and water quality conditions of rivers and streams. A dominant part of Tunkhel subbasin is underlain by discontinuous permafrost, which occurs mostly on the northern exposed slopes and in adjacent valley floors (Hofmann & Battogtokh...
to habitat changes and flow alteration caused by dam construction and operation (Kennedy et al, 2018). More detailed information about the biology and ecology of freshwater mussels, the status of each species and relevant threats, and their range within the watershed are available inNedeau (2008)...