Air pollution abatement is routinely portrayed as a key ecosystem service provided by urban vegetation (e.g., Chen, 2017; Grant, 2012; McDonald, 2015), and it is the most cited economic benefit of urban trees (Song, Tan, Edwards, & Richards, 2018). Show abstract Tending their urban ...
Tree Shade.Steve Nix/About Forestry Trees shade and cool: Shade from trees reduces the need for air conditioning in summer. In winter, trees break the force of winter winds, lowering heating costs. Studies have shown that parts of cities without cooling shade from trees can literally be "heat...
New initiatives involving harvesting of stumps for bioenergy may offer the additional benefit of minimizing disease impacts in next rotation forestsPersson, TryggveForest Ecology and ManagementPersson, T., 2013. Environmental consequences of tree‐stump harvesting. Forest Ecology and...
(Bailey-Shaw et al.2021). Dairy products like yogurt, curd, and cheese benefit from the antioxidant properties displayed byM. oleiferacomponents (Trigo et al.2023). The application extends toM. oleiferaseed extract as a sprout, offering a valuable source of phenolic and bioactive components. ...
” the economic benefit indicator element with greater weight is “Regional housing price of renewal areas,” and the ecological benefit indicator element with a large weight is “Vitality, and health of the urban landscape, and the characteristics of meeting the needs of residents of all ages....
(i) Explain how removal of a dam can benefit fish populations. (ii) Describe one negative environmental consequence of removing a dam from a river (other than effects on fish populations). (e) Dams are also built by beavers, a keystone species in some North American ecosystems. (i) ...
Although the primary motivation for revegetation is to increase carbon sequestration, revegetated areas can provide additional financial, social, and environmental cobenefits that provide different levels of private and public net benefit. Conversely, carbon farming, if it is not implemented carefully, ...
On the night of a full moon, the mother of the earth sighed and asked, "whats wrong with you mother earth?" The earth mother to tell sister moon bitter: "in the last few years, I for the benefit of the eyes, raising the human children dont know to protect the environment, now I ...
Berlin-based Green City Solutions claims its invention has the environmental benefit of up to 275 actual trees. But the CityTree isn’t, in fact, a tree at all – it’s a moss culture. “Moss cultures have a much larger leaf surface area than any other plant. That means we can captur...
To meet the objective of poverty reduction. however. it is crucial that market expansion and creation are possible. Hence, for example, it is important to determine which marketable traits are amenable to genetic improvement. While some traits (such as fruit and kernel mass, that benefit the ...