Environmental awareness for teachers: A sustainable futuredoi:10.34069/AI/2024.74.02.14Atorina, VictoriaImber, ViktoriiaViktorenko, IrynaBalakirieva, ViktoriiaLoboda, OlhaAmazonia Investiga
Several intervention measures and strategies have been considered. Among these is the use of the school curriculum to enhance public awareness of the need for environmental preservation and protection. 展开 关键词: Environmental Education Foreign Countries Teachers Students Knowledge Level Conservation (...
bag 13 可持续发展 sustainable development 43 纸袋 paper bag 14 自然资源 natural resources 44 一次性的 disposable 15 能源 energy 45 可替代的 alternative 16 太阳能 solar energy 46 环保组织 environmental organization 17 风能 wind energy 47 环保意识 environmental awareness 18 水能 water energy 48 对...
In this paper, when studying the public’s satisfaction with environmental governance of environmental regulation, we consider the influence of environmental awareness, enhance the credibility of the conclusions, and make up for the shortcomings of existing research to a certain extent. Based on the ...
This is due, not just to one, but to a number of factors, such as the misuse of natural resources, inefficient legislation and a lack of environmental awareness. Fortunately, in recent years there has been a trend for change and a series of scientific studies are being used as an ...
1.Enablethestudentstowriteareport. 2.Students’awarenessofEnvironmentalprotectioncanberaised. V.Teachingprocedures: Step1.Introducethelearningobjectives. Step2.Gothroughthisarticleandfindoutthemainideaofeachparagraph. Para1:LiRiver,asatopdestination,isnowsufferingfromwater pollution. Para2:Thecausesofthepolluti...
A survey of the environmental world-views of undergraduate students found that their views of the environment could be reduced, as had been found by Price
Across the middle school years, findings have been inconclusive. Bergman (2016) found greater increases in environmental awareness in 5thgrade students than 7thgrade students following EE. However, the EE treatments were different for each age cohort in the study, so conclusions about the appropriaten...
Having knowledge about household environmental behaviors is important for planning and conducting efforts to reduce carbon footprint. In this study, the relationship between environmental awareness, purchasing, household practices, and carbon footprint was investigated, and the impact of demographics on thes...
The curricular area of “Environmental Studies” of Portuguese primary education [11] is organized in groups of subjects. The“In the discovery of the natural environment” group of subjects states that “the teacher should promote in his students attitudes of respect for life and nature, as well...