Sample answer: The last years has witnessed the increase in the awareness of environmental protection. However, there are still a lot of waste materials that have not been recycled. This essay will mainly discuss the reasons of this problem and suggest some solutions. One main reason of this p...
By this, I mean that both parents and educators should raise awareness by teaching children from a young age how crucial it is to look after the environment. For instance, it has been proven that younger children pick-up information more quickly and follows the instruction given by teachers ...
(Para. 1) environmental awareness What is the theme of the essay? (Para. 1) Introduction: Two questions are raised to show 23、 that people have conflicting ideas about environmental protection. The introduction paves the way for the authors central argument. Part I (Para. 1) The author ...
As far as the animals concerned , a lots of things which i want to add in this essay . So many people think that animals are niether be account for the research or as a food nor be exploited for the humans.Where as others argue that use of the animals as an food or doing experimen...
8.Toenhancepeople?sawarenessof(conserve)ofculturalrelics,alecture willbegiveninthecityhallthisFridayafternoon. 9.Onlyinthiswaycanweenjoya(harmony)relationshipbetweenparentsand children. 10.UnderthisAct,allwaterfowlhunters16yearsofageandovermust(annual) purchaseandcarryaFederalDuckStamp.(2021・新课标I) 写作...
Soon, however, that response gave way to a more concerted campaign to raise awareness of the ways in which animal experimentation can promote the well-being of both animals and humans. In addition, the use of animals has become subject to ever-closer scrutiny, fostering a regulatory framework ...
“WewanteachofustoraiseawarenessthatwecanpreventthedeathoftheJuanDiaz River,”saidMareaVerde’sleaderSandyWatemberg.Sheexpressedherhopethatthewheel wouldalsohelpmanymoreotherrivers.Butshealsopointedoutthatthosewhoaccustomed themselvestosingle-useplasticsneededtorethinktheirbehavior. ...
8.Toenhancepeople’sawarenessof___(conserve)ofculturalrelics,alecturewillbegiveninthecityhallthisFridayafternoon. 9.Onlyinthiswaycanweenjoya___(harmony)relationshipbetweenparentsandchildren. 10.UnderthisAct,allwaterfowlhunters16yearsofageandovermust___(annual)purchaseandcarryaFederalDuckStamp.(2021·新...
大作文大作文范文:The terrible scene depicted in the cartoon shows that some people in our life still lack the awareness of environmental protection. The picture illustrates that two tourists are chatting and eating happily on a boat and casually throwing their rubbish into the lake...