我院在国际权威期刊《Energy & Environment Science》上发表重要研究成果 近日,我院在《能源与环境科学》(Energy & Environment Science,2022年影响因子:39.714)上发表题为《光电/热协同仿生光驱动离子传输与高效太阳能转换》(Efficient Solar Energy Conversion via Bionic Sunlight-driven lon Transport Boosted by Synerg...
近期,我校数理信息学院物理学科梁奇锋教授与北京交通大学王熙教授、日本国立材料研究所Dmitri Golberg教授团队合作,在掺杂石墨烯的钠离子电池特性研究上取得重要进展,相关成果以《“Protrusions” or “holes” in graphene: which is the bet...
2020年12月23日,《Energy & Environment Science》刊发华中科技大学化学与化工学院夏宝玉教授团队最新研究成果《Local Spin-State Tuning of Cobalt-Iron Selenide Nanoframes for the Boosted Oxygen Evolution》。该团队聚焦能源材料的服役与失...
2020年12月23日,《Energy & Environment Science》刊发华中科技大学化学与化工学院夏宝玉教授团队最新研究成果《Local Spin-State Tuning of Cobalt-Iron Selenide Nanoframes for the Boosted Oxygen Evolution》。该团队聚焦能源材料的服役与失效研究,此项工作则阐述了该团队在高效铁钴硒析氧催化剂中自旋电子学的最新研...
G: Energy, Environment The energy and environment science is an integrative domain of research. It is a combination of biological, physical, chemical and information science. Dedicated towards studying environment and answers to environmental problems. The energy science deals with the storage, ...
《能源与环境科学》(Energy & Environmental Science)是一本以化学-工程:化工综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Royal Society of Chemistry出版商创刊于2008年,刊期Monthly。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦化学-工程:化工领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究成果,致力于成为该领域同行进行...
Universities and research institutions in United States Media Ranking in United States Subject Area and Category Energy Energy Engineering and Power Technology Energy (miscellaneous) Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment Environmental Science Environmental Engineering Publisher SAGE Publications Inc...
All energy production causes insults to the environment, differing amount and type of pollution. Future decisions on appropriate energy production and conservation must be based on sound science and factual comparisons of available options.Access through your organization Check access to the full text ...
Overall, fossil fuel, renewable, hydrogen, and nuclear energy systems are presented through the lenses of their quantified societal, economic, and environmental implications, as well as the future prospects for their implementation.G. ItskosN. Nikolopoulos...