Whitecourt weather (NW of Edmonton) VBU-828 162.550 MHzThere are also Emergency Public Warning Systems for weather and other hazards. Disasters like floods, fires, toxic spills, contamination, or terrorism. It's all part of Canada Weatheradio, a nationwide radio network that provides weather info...
ropensci/weathercan main 3Branches 19Tags Code README Code of conduct GPL-3.0 license weathercan This package makes it easier to search for and download multiple months/years of historical weather data fromEnvironment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) website....
Air pollution and emergency department visits for depression in Edmonton, Canada Int. J. Occup. Med. Environ. Health, 20 (2007), pp. 241-245, 10.2478/v10001-007-0024-2 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Szyszkowicz, 2010 M. Szyszkowicz Ambient sulfur dioxide and female ED visits for depression...
Hudson Bay has warmed over 1 °C in the last 30 years. Coincident with this warming, seasonal patterns have shifted, with the spring sea ice melting earlier and the fall freeze-up occurring later, leading to a month longer of ice-free conditions. This ex
This study delves into the prevalence and magnitude of over-speeding in various scenarios, utilizing data from traffic cameras in Edmonton, Canada, and employing a negative binomial statistical model for analysis. The model elucidates the significance and likelihood of over-speeding tendencies by ...
Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Mike Flannigan Contributions D.M.J.S.B. coordinated the project, led the writing and contributed to the design of the graphics. C.A.K. led the design of the graphics and contributed to the writing. J.T.A....
Calgary Economic Development's research team updates this report monthly as new data becomes available on Calgary's economy, labour market, demographics, businesses, and industries etc. The report also compares Calgary to Canada's other major Canadian cities—Vancouver, Edmonton, Toronto, Ottawa and ...
Since 1996, NAV Canada, a private sector, non-share capital corporation financed through publicly-traded debt, is responsible for providing air navigation services in Canada. All major Canadian airports are operated by Canadian airport authorities that are not-for-profit corporations. 'RPHVWLF 6HU...
Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Northern Forestry Centre, Edmonton, Alberta. Manuscript in preparation. (Accessed 26 April 2022). Jain, P., Castellanos-Acuna, D., Coogan, S. C., Abatzoglou, J. T. & Flannigan, M. D. Observed increases in extreme fire weather driven by...
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada Kurt O. Konhauser Contributions N.J.P. wrote the paper, with input from all authors. All authors contributed substantially to researching data for the article and contributing to the discussion of its content...