Weather Alerts for Canada This table displays all active alerts for Canada, with the ability to view alerts by province or territory and searching by alert name, alert type or forecast location. Select a province, territory or national view AB BC MB NL NT ON SK National view Go Result for...
the evaluation of seasonal patterns across river δ15N and δ18O of NO3–time series has yet to be explored as an isotopic tool. Here, we took advantage of a unique two-year monthly data set of NO3–concentration and yield, combined with corresponding...
Franz X. Reichl 2123Accesses 1Altmetric Abstract Dust particles can consist of either natural soil-borne particles or of particulate matter from human activities, or both of them. Particulate matter is a complex mixture of extremely small particles and liquid droplets consisting of soil or dust part...
Several features of the neighborhood physical environment that have been previously linked to outdoor falls, including insufficient lighting, cracked or uneven sidewalks, and weather-related hazards [8,22,23], were not included among our measures. Further, we were not able to examine features of ...
Introduction to Multi-Modal Transportation Planning: Principles and Practices; Victoria Transport Policy Institute: Victoria, BC, Canada, 2021; Available online: (accessed on 23 April 2021). Lucas, K. Transport and social exclusion: Where are we now?
The increased seismic activity observed in the Himalayas, coupled with the expanding urbanization of the surrounding areas in northern India, poses significant risks to both human lives and property. Developing an earthquake early warning system in the r
C. Heating and Cooling Performance of an Under Floor Earth Tube Air Tempering System in a Mechanical Ventilated Farrowing House. In Proceedings of the XVII World Congress of the International Commission of Agricultural and Bio-Systems Engineering (CIGR), Québec City, QC, Canada, 13–17 June 201...