Weather Alerts for Canada This table displays all active alerts for Canada, with the ability to view alerts by province or territory and searching by alert name, alert type or forecast location. Select a province, territory or national view AB BC MB NL NT ON SK National view Go Result for...
To combat climate change, a country needs to take part in the development of energy sources and the renovation of its energy infrastructure. Since, green energy production is frequently costly and dangerous, especially in its early stages, capital is one
J. et al. Heavier summer downpours with climate change revealed by weather forecast resolution model. Nat. Clim. Change 4, 570–576 (2014). Google Scholar Ban, N., Schmidli, J. & Schär, C. Heavy precipitation in a changing climate: does short-term summer precipitation increase faster...
As A. Frank has written (A. Frank, 1999), humanity is maturing into a space-faring race. The response of the space environment, particularly around the Earth, to the stormy Sun, is known asSpace Weather, which is a hot topic today, because of the increasing awareness that many modern t...
2123Accesses 1Altmetric Abstract Dust particles can consist of either natural soil-borne particles or of particulate matter from human activities, or both of them. Particulate matter is a complex mixture of extremely small particles and liquid droplets consisting of soil or dust particles, metals, or...
A report from Ontario, Canada, showed that residential sector emits 56% of PM2.5 emissions. Hence, during the lockdown, 28% of PM2.5 resulted from outdoor cooking using barbeques. However, NO2 and NOX both were lowered because of the reduction of automobiles (Adams, 2020). In amidst of...
Furthermore, it is also possible to use the linear and nonlinear hybrid models and univariate time series to forecast electricity consumption. Another aspect that needs to be considered in future studies is the electricity usage load profile of building connections and explore the effects of these ...
For example, in the Bay of Bengal and the Gulf of Mexico, TCs are the main drivers, while a large tidal range and ETC storm surges are responsible for high storm tides in Europe and Canada. In north Australia and the east coast of The United States, high storm tides are typically ...
Oceanweather Inc. (OWI) developed a tropical cyclone reanalysis hindcast for Verde Island Passage which included significant typhoons within the 1951–2016 period. Modelled parameters include significant wave height, peak wave period, direction, free surface elevation, wind speed and direction, and dept...
The Environmental Impact of Outdoor Recreation; University of Waterloo: Waterloo, ON, Canada, 1977. 21. Wall, G. Canadian geographers discuss tourism. Ann. Tour. Res. 1979, 6, 367–368. [CrossRef] 22. Wackernagel, M.; Rees, W.E. Our Ecological Footprint: Reducing Human Impact on the...