“Manufacture a crisis and then don’t let it go to waste.” Maybe that is the plan. A better plan would be for electric utility CEOs to start listening to their engineers responsible for keeping the lights on, affordably if possible, and stop pandering to socialistic environmentalism. In...
The Environmental Protection Agency moved Thursday to hold in abeyance a legal challenge to the Biden administration’s mandate for drinking water systems to remove lead pipes. FERC, Energy Company Spar Over Storm Power Outage Repercussions The D.C. Circuit seemed uncertain during arguments Friday abo...
Environmental Protection Agency proposal published in the Federal Register May 11. The proposed rule would apply to inactive surface impoundments-ponds, landfills and other fill sites-located at coal-fired power plants that ceased operation or were no longer accepting coal ash waste prior to ...
In its turn, the environmental protection agency of the state of São Paulo published its technical manual, contemplating methods, standards and deadlines for investigation and clean-up of contaminated areas. 4 Regulation of waste What types of waste are regulated and how? The management of solid...
Biogas from anaerobic digestion is a multifunctional technology that offers solutions, particularly for the treatment and management of digestible waste from crops and animal origin, manure and sewage. A study by the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) predicts that by 2020, biogas...
The setting up of inter-agency monitoring teams for all levels as mandated by law had not been done. There were recommendations for the integration of monitoring and enforcement activities in the mechanisms for monitoring other current programs of the DOLE and DOH. Key informants from the ...
1, 2013. One rationale for the proposed exemption is that the higher gate fees small landfills would need to charge to comply with the ETS would lead to an increase in illegal waste dumping. The Climate Change Response Act 2002 allows the government to grant exemptions if these ...
That language seems to describe a streamlined process for modifying a Title V permit rather than a Title V permit exemption. The EMC will need to sort out the actual intent of the law in the rulemaking process. SOLID WASTE Disposal of lithium- ion batteries. House Bill 600, Section 19, ...
a Central Valley food products manufacturing facility in connection with a new air district rulemaking, where an explicit exemption in the rule for the industry was ultimately secured Hazardous Materials and Waste In the ever-evolving area of hazardous materials and waste compliance, permi...
Environmentally-Limited Resourcemeans a resource which has a limit on its run hours imposed by a federal, state, or other governmental agency that will significantly limit its availability, on either a temporary or long-term basis. This includes a resource that is limited by a governmental authori...