Environment Agency, UK We work with the Environment Agency to deliver better environmental and societal outcomes at every level. At project level, our work has supported outstanding projects such as the Boston Barrier in Lincolnshire and reinstatement of flood defences in Derbyshire. At strategic level...
Water fountains have been disappearing from public spaces throughout the country over the last few decades,”lamentedNancy Stoner, an administrator in the Environmental Protection Agency’s water office. Water scholar Peter Gleickwritesthat they’ve become “an anachronism, or even a liability.” Ji...
That's the equivalent of taking 8 million gas-powered cars off the road for an entire year, according to the agency. The EPA classifies methane as a "super pollutant" and says that over 100 years, one ton of methane released into the atmosphere "traps 28 times as much heat in the ...
Policymakers have implemented a number of regulations over the past several decades to minimize environmental pollution and its effects on public health. Under the Clean Air Act, the Environmental Protection Agency regulates air pollution. Similarly, theClean Water Actand Safe Drinking Water Act aim to...
INTERNATIONAL Atomic Energy AgencyRADIOACTIVITYOIL wellsOIL well loggingRADIOACTIVE contaminationRADIOACTIVITY measurementsPETROLEUM reservoirsOIL fieldsNaturally occurring radioactivity was evaluated in the reservoir rock, surface soil samples, and oil production waste at the East Baghdad South ...
(IN SHORT) The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) convened the first EU Aviation Fuel Stakeholders Forum on April 18-19, 2024, aiming to establish a network of European fuel stakeholders to enhance collaboration and address environmental challenges in aviation. One of the main goals is...
Browner, C. M. (1998).Guidelines for ecological risk assessment; US Environmental Protection Agency(p. 188)https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2014-11/documents/eco_risk_assessment1998.pdf Google Scholar Calderón, A., Meraz, M., & Tomasini, A. (2019). Pharmaceuticals present in urb...
such as a sense of powerlessness to enact significant change after a building is constructed or the experience of growing up in environments over which individuals had little or noagency in shaping. For these reasons, architectural exhibitions serve an essential purpose, offering society a chance to...
The decision was taken to appoint one agency only and to give them free reign in the hope that this would provide more of an incentive. After some deliberation, we settled on Allen & York, due to our history of working together and an element of trust that you would be well placed to...
The discovery of a monthly work schedule for José Salud, a district forester on the island of Panay, provides us with an unique insight into the operations and workings of the Inspección general de Montes, the Spanish colonial forestry service in the Philippines. The records of this agency ...