KCRC announced to the public that they placed an order of 20 Euro 4 emission standard buses from Alexander Dennis on 12, January, 2007. KCRC is the first bus operator in Hong Kong to place mass order of Euro 4 emission buses. As KCRC were merged into MTR on 2, Dec. 2007 and all bu...
Enviro200 Dart是一款由英國亞歷山大丹尼士(Alexander Dennis)生產的兩軸單層低地台巴士,於2006年面世,主要取代飛鏢SLF系列巴士及Pointer車身。 這款巴士最初名為Enviro200 Dart,以區分當時發展失敗的全低地台 Enviro200,後來亞歷山大丹尼士把這款巴士直接改稱Enviro2
↑L9 Euro 6 - for Buses and Coaches, Cummins Ltd. ↑九龍巴士(一九三三)有限公司,〈九巴引進新一代環保雙層巴士E500碳排放減10% 全面提升乘客安全及舒適度 底盤設計配合歐六及混能發展〉[新聞稿],2012年12月28日。 ↑ADL於2013年開始在馬來西亞開設一條E500MMC的生產線,今次我們會介紹當時的準備工作,看看...
UK/Sweden - Scania, part of Volkswagen Truck & Bus GmbH, premiered its new biogas fuelled chassis with Alexander Dennis Ltd's (ADL) Enviro400 double deck body at Eurobus Expo in Birmingham. Claimed to deliver near-zero emissions, it can be fuelled from renewable sources for improved ...