1)启动ENVI,点击File → Open Image File → 加载数据(如图) 2)彩色正变换:点击主菜单Transform → Color Transforms → RGB to HSV(如图) 3)彩色逆变换:点击主菜单Transform → Color Transforms → HSV to RGB(如图) 2、利用HSV变换提取图像中的绿色地物 1)打开文件,进行RGB合成显示,窗口#1,转换显示为HSV,...
Transform->Image Sharpening->HSV HSV(hue, saturation, and value:色调,饱和度,亮度值) 选择Transforms > Color Transforms >RGB to HSV。当出现Select RGB Input Bands对话框时,从一个显示的彩色图像或可用波段列表中选择三个波段进行变换(TM影像假彩色合成选432,真彩色合成可以选择321),接着将出现High Resolutio...
在Transform->Color Transform->RGB to ***RGB to HSV:Transforms an RGB image into the HSV color space.The input RGB values must be byte data in the range 0 to 255.You must have either an input file with at least three bands or a color display open to use this function.The stretch ...
Transform->Image Sharpening->HSV HSV(hue, saturation, and value:色调,饱和度,亮度值) 选择Transforms > Color Transforms >RGB to HSV。当出现Select RGB Input Bands对话框时,从一个显示的彩色图像或可用波段列表中选择三个波段进行变换(TM影像假彩色合成选432,真彩色合成可以选择321),接着将出现High Resolutio...
RGB to HSV:Transforms an RGB image into the HSV color space.The input RGB values must be byte data in the range 0 to 255.You must have either an input file with at least three bands or a color display open to use this function.The stretch that is applied in the color display is ...
Transform/Color Transforms/RGB to HSV ,选择Available Bands List,OK,选择Memory 2的RGB 三个波段,OK,生成Memory 4 3、用sp影像代替V分量反转为RGB Transform/Color Transforms/ HSV to RGB,选择Available Bands List,OK,选择Memory 4的H 波段和S波段,第三个波段选择Memory 3,生成Memory 5,完成融合。
在Transform->Color Transform->RGB to ***RGB to HSV:Transforms an RGB image into the HSV color space.The input RGB values must be byte data in the range 0 to 255.You must have either an input file with at least three bands or a color display open to use this function.The stretch ...
D、对多光谱影像进⾏彩⾊空间变换;(Transform->Color Transforms->RGB to HSV(USGS Munsell))E、将⾼分辨率全⾊波段与彩⾊空间变换后的V波段进⾏直⽅图匹配,并存为V波段的数据类型(Float point类型)(⽅法不唯⼀)(1)分别将⾼分辨率全⾊波段和V波段的直⽅图打开(Image窗⼝:...
3.3色彩空间变换包括(RGB,HSV,HLS之间的变换) Color Transforms---RGB to HSV (USGS Munsell) Color Transform 色彩拉伸【有去相关拉伸Decorrelation Stretch、photographic拉伸(RGB)和饱和度拉伸Saturation Stretch】 3.4 NDVI 【Spectral—Vegetation—NDVI】
1选择TransformsColorTransformsForwardtoColorSpaceRGBtoHSV。2出现RGBtoHSVInput对话框时,从一个显示的彩色图像或AvailableBandsList中选择三个波段进行变换。从一幅彩色显示中选择你的波段,运 11、用已经显示的拉伸数据。从RGB到HSV输入列表中选择一个显示,如“Display#1”。出现RGBtoHSVParameters对话框时,ENVI自动地...