weixin://dl/business/?appid=*APPID*&path=*PATH*&query=*QUERY*&env_version=*ENV_VERSION* 【选填】ENV_VERSION:要打开的小程序版本,正式版为release,体验版为trial,开发版为develop,仅在微信外打开时生效。注意:若不填写,则默认打开正式版小程序。 设置ENV_VERSION 体验版为trial,开发版为...
默认值"release"。要打开的小程序版本。正式版为"release",体验版为"trial",开发版为"develop",仅在微信外打开时生效。 我使用{ "jump_wxa": { "path": "pages/login/index", "query": "", "env_version": "trial" } } 结果还是返回的url还是打开了线上的小程序,昨天都能正常生成体验版的,今天试了...
:param is_hyaline: 默认值false;是否需要透明底色,为 true 时,生成透明底色的小程序码 :param env_version: 要打开的小程序版本。正式版为 "release",体验版为 "trial",开发版为 "develop"。默认是正式版。 :return: """ returnself._post( 'wxa/getwxacode', Expand Down...
access_token={access_token}" params = { 'path': path, 'width': 430, # 二维码宽度 'env_version': env_version # 指定小程序版本,可选值:'develop'(开发版),'trial'(体验版),'release'(正式版) } response = requests.post(url, params=params) if response.status_code == 200: with open(f...
private String envVersion = "release"; /** * 生成的 URL Link 类型,到期失效:true,永久有效:false * 15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions 15 ...java-miniapp/src/test/java/cn/binarywang/wx/miniapp/api/impl/WxMaLinkServiceImplTest.java Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line c...
We keep all the suggestions/feature requests in our records and they are looked at for the next major release of the product each year. Your feedback and suggestions are very important to us. Thank you for helping us in improving our product. We'll be concluding thi...
The 17.0 version for Microsoft.VisualStudio.SDK is available, but you may not have pre-release checked when searching for packages. The latest version is here: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.VisualStudio.SDK/17.0.0-previews-4-31709-430. OK, good to know 0 Reconsider 0 ...
We keep all the suggestions/feature requests in our records and they are looked at for the next major release of the product each year. Your feedback and suggestions are very important to us. Thank you for helping us in improving our product. We'll be ...
Discovered in Release: 5.4- Fixed in Release: 5.4- 2691656 Description:When using bonding, ibdev2netdev would sometimes match the InfiniBand device to the net device bonding interface, and sometimes to the underlying Infiniband net device interface. ...
Fixed in Release: 24.01- 3710958 Description:Fixed an issue that triggered an error message due to outdated rule actions in the STE apply flow. The flow have been updated to check if the rule domain is different from the ASO CT action domain when applying the ASO CT action. ...