warning: #188-D: enumerated type mixed with another type ZL.zheng于 2022-03-17 15:10:02 发布577 收藏 分类专栏: arm 文章标签: c语言 版权 a
在keil里面写STM32程序,这样写GPIO_WriteBit(GPIOC,GPIO_Pin_9,1),编译的时候就报enumerated type mixed with another type警告, 这说明数据类型混用了,进入GPIO_WriteBit函数发现其原型是void GPIO_WriteBit(GPIO_TypeDef* GPIOx, uint16_t GPIO_Pin, BitAction BitVal)这样的 ,BitAction这个是枚举,所以要类型转...
uint32 u32Length, Fapi_FlashReadMarginModeType oReadMode ); 时,出现如下报警: Description Resource Path Location Type#190-D enumerated type mixed with another type 引用方式如下: 原因是第四个参数是枚举: typedef enum { Fapi_NormalRead = 0x0, Fapi_RM0 = 0x1, Fapi_RM1 = 0x2 } ATTRIBUTE_P...
提示已经说得很明白了,你定义了枚举类型,却用其它类型向它赋值。自己查查 SPI_FrameFormat_Type 的枚举值都有哪些吧,例如 SPI_FrameFormat_Type mode = {SPI_MODE_UNKNOWN};百度嫌我字数不够
但我用IAR却不可以这样做.警告!意思是说 :enumerated type mixed with another type 什么情况啊?
如果你LCD_Contrast_3V0是个枚举类型的话,可以使用强制类型转换,这样就可以避免警告了类似如下 GPIO_Init(LED_PORT, (GPIO_Pin_TypeDef)(LED_RUNNING_PIN|LED_ERROR_PIN), GPIO_MODE_OUT_PP_HIGH_FAST );
I understand that Intel 16 is not listed as a supported compiler on http://criterion.readthedocs.org/en/latest/setup.html#installation, but from what I can find online, this appears to be a valid compiler error. I observe this when the I...
rt-thread/components/utilities/ymodem/ry_sy.c Line 101 in 2bf53d3 return RYM_ERR_FILE; ry_sy.c(101): warning: #188-D: enumerated type mixed with another type
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