form of data type that consists of various integer values, and it functions to provide these values with meaningful names. using the enum data type in c language makes any program much easier to maintain as well as understand. we define enums using the keyword “enum”. in this article, ...
In computer programming, an enumerated type (also called enumeration, enum, or factor in the R programming language, and a categorical variable in statistics) isa data typeconsisting of a set of named values called elements, members, enumeral, or enumerators of the type. Can two enums have th...
Delphi'sprogramming languageis an example of a strongly typed language. This means that all variables must be of some type. A type is essentially a name for a kind of data. When we declare a variable, we must specify its type, which determines the set of values the variable can hold an...
Language: All Sort: Best match alassek / activerecord-pg_enum Star 164 Code Issues Pull requests Discussions Integrate PostgreSQL's enumerated types with the Rails enum feature migrations postgresql enum ruby-on-rails enumerated-types Updated on Mar 2 Ruby JAForbes / sum-type Star 39 ...
Languages like Pascal and C++ let you define a set of enumerable constants like Color=[Red, Green, Blue], which amounts to adding a new data type to the language. These constants can be used for a typesafe index in an array, or used in a loop. A frequent
menu.add_option(category_name,"reporttype", reporttype) incpriv = BooleanOption(_("Include private data"),True) incpriv.set_help(_("Whether to include private data")) menu.add_option(category_name,"incpriv", incpriv) 开发者ID:belissent,项目名称:addons-source,代码行数:34,代码来源:Lis...
Of all the many poorly chosen names in Java, "static" is the worst. The keyword is carried over from the C language, where it was applied to storage which can be allocated statically (at compile time). Whenever you see "static" in Java, think "once-only" or "one-per-class." ...
=30*60;// Time in seconds for how often the feeds get refreshed$refreshAge = time() - $refreshDelay;// How long ago $refreshDelay was in UNIX time// Determine if we should display a 0.91 compliant RSS feed or our own feed$intlang = get_desired_language();if(isset($_GET['type'...
This still requires us to duplicate the control data values in the table as enum constants and keep the two in sync, but at least it gives us the strong typing of values found in the LANGUAGE_TYPE table. I think it could otherwise work like @pbenedict implies in his code sample. What...