Then you have to use 2 capture groups like ptmrio suggested in PowerRename - Options - Enumerate Items - Custom Brackets PowerRename - Options - Enumerate Items - Custom Brackets #12329 using search for (.*) (([0-9]+)).jpg and replace with $2$1.jpg Second: It would be nice to ha...
enum keyword with enumerator names declared within the enclosing scope. Since the enumerator names are added to the surrounding scope, which can lead to name collisions if not managed carefully, It can be used directly in the code, which is like a set of labels which represent specific numbers...
Godot version: 5199225 OS/device including version: Windows 10 Famille Version 10.0.18363 Numéro 18363 GPU : Nvidia Geforce GTX 1050 Driver : 461.09 Backend : Vulkan I have an integrated GPU but I run Godot with my GPU above. Issue descr...
Clickable Panel control with labels? Client.PostAsync(Uri,content) throws 500 internal server error Close button on the Form not working Close console app if ESC is pressed Close or hide a form from another form, C# Close program with key esc Closing a command prompt window using C# closing...
Add Custom Function to Runspace Add data to existing CSV column with foreach loop add date to filename Add digital signature to multiple files Add domain user as sysadmin in SQL Server 2012 using PowerShell Add formatting and style to a html report in powershell Add full control to computer...
Hi All, On a custom board I'm working on I'm running into a periodic issue with a set of cascaded USB hubs. What I'm seeing is that occasionally one
Oracle Linux 8 installs manually with Firmware set to EFI so I added the following to my Terraform manifest firmware = "efi" I unset the forcing of Provider to < 1.16 in my manifest. In order to get Provider 2.1.1 to work, I added the Storage Profile View privilege to the custom role...