like strings, lists, or tuples. Each element in the sequence is given a unique index number, starting from 0 for the 1st element, 1 for the 2nd element, and so on. It’s important to note that Python’s indexing begins at 0, meaning the first element is accessed with the index 0,...
The first records ofenumeratecome from the 1600s. It derives from the Latin verbēnumerāre, which is based on the Latinnumer(us), meaning “number.” (This root is also the basis of the wordnumber.) Enumerateimplies a verydeliberatelisting of things, especially with the intention of specify...
In this code, we create a list calledlanguagesthat contains four programming languages. We then use theenumerate()function to loop through the list.enumerate()returns a tuple that contains the index and value of each element, and we use the variable’sindexandlanguageto assign these values resp...
ValueMeaning S_OK Method succeeded. E_POINTER The ppEnumCallHub parameter is not a valid pointer. E_INVALIDARG The TAPI object has not been initialized. E_OUTOFMEMORY Insufficient memory exists to perform the operation. Remarks TAPI calls the Addref method on the IEnumCallHub interface ...
hi - do you have a non-stack-overflow answer? I have reasons for not using stack overflow or their other web sites for most things like programming. those functions don't fit the need really. I don't want to get into drive letters, volumes, or partition info because it would slow th...
ValueMeaning S_OK Method succeeded. E_OUTOFMEMORY Insufficient memory exists to perform the operation. E_POINTER The ppTerminals parameter is not a valid pointer. Remarks TAPI calls the AddRef method on the IEnumTerminalClass interface returned by ITPluggableTerminalSuperc...
Pointer to the IEnumTerminal interface enumerating terminals contained in the multitrack terminal. Return value This method can return one of these values. Expand table ValueMeaning S_OK Method succeeded. E_POINTER The ppTerminalEnum parameter is not a valid pointer. E_OUTOFMEMORY Insuffi...
ValueMeaning S_OK Method succeeded. E_OUTOFMEMORY Insufficient memory exists to perform the operation. E_POINTER The ppEnumStream parameter is not a valid pointer. Remarks TAPI calls the AddRef method on the IEnumStream interface returned by ITStreamControl::EnumerateStreams. The appli...
ValueMeaning S_OK Method succeeded. E_OUTOFMEMORY Insufficient memory exists to perform the operation. E_POINTER The ppTerminals parameter is not a valid pointer. Remarks TAPI calls the AddRef method on the IEnumTerminalClass interface returned by ITPluggableTerminalSuperc...
ValueMeaning S_OK Method succeeded. E_OUTOFMEMORY Insufficient memory exists to perform the operation. E_POINTER The ppTerminals parameter is not a valid pointer. Remarks TAPI calls the AddRef method on the IEnumTerminalClass interface returned by ITPluggableTerminalSuperc...