Used to get sid with "lookupsid known_username" -r RANGES RID ranges to enumerate (default: 500-550,1000-1050) -s SHARES_FILE Brute force guessing for shares -t TIMEOUT Sets connection timeout in seconds (default: 5s) -v Verbose, show full samba tools commands being run (net, rpc...
enum4linux is a command-line tool for enumerating Windows and Samba information from remote systems. It is written in Perl and can be used to perform reconnaissance on Windows and Samba systems. The tool can be used to gather information such as user and group lists, shared resources, and o...
This tool is a rewriteofMark Lowe's,a toolforenumerating information from Windows and Samba systems.It is mainly a wrapper around the Samba tools nmblookup,net,rpcclient and smbclient.Other than the original tool it allows toexportenumeration resultsasYAMLorJSONfile,so that it can...
If you use the tool: Don't use it for illegal purposes. Run An example run could look like that: -As <target> -oY out Demo Windows Server 2012 R2 This demonstrates a run against Windows Server 2012 R2 standard installation. The following command is being used: ...
-k USERS User(s) that exists on remote system (default: administrator,guest,krbtgt,domain admins,root,bin,none). Used to get sid with "lookupsid known_username" -r RANGES RID ranges to enumerate (default: 500-550,1000-1050) -s SHARES_FILE Brute force guessing for shares ...
-k USERS User(s) that exists on remote system (default: administrator,guest,krbtgt,domain admins,root,bin,none). Used to get sid with "lookupsid known_username" -r RANGES RI D ranges to enumerate (default: 500-550,1000-1050) -s SHARES_FILE Brute force guessing for shares ...
SMB (Server Message Block) is a protocol that allows resources on the same network to share files, browse the network, and print over the network. It was initially used on Windows, but Unix systems can use SMB through Samba. Today, we will be using a too