importenumclassIntTestA(enum.IntEnum):A=1B=2print(['a','b','c'][IntTestA.A])# 输出结果为 bprint([iforiinrange(IntTestA.B)])# 输出结果为 [0, 1] enum.Flag基类也是enum.Enum基类的子类,通过enum.Flag基类定义的枚举的枚举成员之间可以使用按位运算符(&、|、^、~、<<、>>)。但是枚举成...
fromenumimportEnumclassDay(Enum): MONDAY, THUSDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY =range(1,8)print(list(Day))""" [<Day.MONDAY: 1>, <Day.THUSDAY: 2>, <Day.WEDNESDAY: 3>, <Day.THURSDAY: 4>, <Day.FRIDAY: 5>, <Day.SATURDAY: 6>, <Day.SUNDAY: 7>] """print(Day...
Used to choose which coverage data is returned by a QueryXXXCoverage() call.FieldsExtindeți tabelul Modules = 1 If set, the Coverage.Modules property will be populated. Functions = 2 If set, the ModuleCoverage.Functions properties will be populated. BlockData = 4 If set, the ...
[out] ppRange 指向接收所请求对象的ITfRange接口指针数组的指针的指针。 此数组的大小必须至少为ulCount元素。 [out] pcFetched 指向ULONG 值的指针,该值接收实际获取的元素数。 此值可以小于请求的项数。 此参数可以为 NULL。 返回值 此方法可以返回其中一个值。
Used to choose which coverage data is returned by a QueryXXXCoverage() call.FieldsRazširi tabelo Modules = 1 If set, the Coverage.Modules property will be populated. Functions = 2 If set, the ModuleCoverage.Functions properties will be populated. BlockData = 4 If set, the Module...
PullRequestTimeRangeType PullRequestTrigger PullRequestTrigger QnAItem QnAItemStatus QueryBatchGetRequest QueryByPointRequest QueryByRunRequest QueryDeletedOption QueryErrorPolicy QueryExpand QueryFilter QueryHierarchyItem QueryHierarchyItemsResult QueryMembership QueryModel QueryOption QueryParameterEntryValueType Quer...
Indicates that MAPI properties in the custom range, 0x8000 and greater, cannot be referenced by property tags. ErrorNoPublicFolderReplicaAvailable 307 This response code is not used. ErrorNoPublicFolderServerAvailable 308 Indicates that no public folder server was available to handle the request. ...
PhpStorm can already automatically perform a wide range of actions before a commit. PhpStorm 2021.2 introduces the new option toRun Tests. Click the gear icon in theCommit view, select theRun Testsoption, and choose the necessary run configuration. PhpStorm will run the tests and notify you if...
LimitedPartitionRange ListOfFieldsOnlyInHash LoadDataInvalidColumn LoadFromFixedSizeRowsToVariable LoadInfo Information returned by the LOAD statement. LocalVariableError LockDeadlock LockOrActiveTransaction LockTableFull LockWaitTimeout LoggingProhibitsChangingOf LogInUse LogPurgeNoFile LogPur...
Member count keyAsString keyAsNumbercontactRelationship valuesExpand table MemberValueDescription parent 0 The user's parent. relative 1 The user's relative. aide 2 The user's aide. doctor 3 The user's doctor. guardian 4 The user's guardian. child 5 The user's child. other 6 An unspeci...