PEP 435中这样介绍 The properties of an enumeration are useful for defining an immutable, related set of constant values that may or may not have a semantic meaning.[2] 在Python中,使用枚举的目的主要是方便常量的管理,方便记忆的同时使代码更加简洁易读。 举个例子,在代码中通常使用不同的整数代表一些...
The meaning of PICENUM is district of ancient Italy on the Adriatic Sea southeast of Umbria.
The meaning of FRAENUM is variant spelling of frenum.
The modifiers of an enum declaration have the same meaning as those of a class declaration (§15.2.2). However, theabstract, andsealed, andstaticmodifiers are not permitted in an enum declaration. Enums cannot be abstract and do not permit derivation. ...
"Luftmensch," literally meaning "air person," is the Yiddish way of describing someone who is a bit of a dreamer. Did You Know? The word "infant" comes from the Latin word "infans" which literally means "unable to speak; speechless." ...
Represents a sequence of characters appearing in source with no possible meaning in the Visual Basic language (e.g. the semicolon ';'). This token should only appear in SkippedTokenTrivia as an artifact of parsing error recovery. XmlNameToken 694 Represents an Xml NCName per Namespaces in XM...
FlagMeaning 0 Use the current user's long time format. TIME_NOSECONDS Windows 7 and later: Use the current user's short time format. Note This value will not work with the ANSI version of this function, EnumTimeFormatsA. LOCAL_USE_CP_ACP Specified with the ANSI version of this ...
, meaning it may or may not be legal and you have to explicitly check it. (Optionals are essentially a syntactic Maybe Monad, and way off topic.) You can even define an enumeration in terms of itself, which is just all kinds of weird. From the documentation: indirect enum Arithmetic...
Note thatenumvalues useC++ scoping rules, meaning thatenumvalues are siblings of their type, 或 缺 浏览4提问于2014-11-20得票数 28 3回答 在C#端没有等效值的情况下,如何处理Enum的反序列化错误? 、、 在我的C#代码中,我有一个枚举类型,它将作为字符串存储在MongoDB中。在我的C#代码中,我有以下类...
.NET Framework only:The meaning ofMultiDomainHostchanged starting with .NET Framework version 2.0. The loader now shares resources across application domains only for assemblies that have been added to the global assembly cache. Piezīme .NET Framework only:If custom code access security policy is ...