enum class 和 enum struct 1 enum class 和 enum struct 是等价的 2 声明 3 类型转换 4 指定底层数据类型underlying type 5域 C11enum的一些新特点 转载请注明出处 1. 旧版enum存在的问题 问题描述 1 向整形的隐式转换(Implicit conversion to an integer) 2 无法指定底层所使用的数据类型(Inability to sp...
\n";//std::cout << color; // won't work, because there's no implicit conversion to intcolor = Color::BLUE; std::cout <<static_cast<int>(color) << std::endl;// will print 1return0; } }// namespace enum_class_ GitHub:https://github.com/fengbingchun/Messy_Test...
[转]C++11的enumclassenumstruct和enum [转]C++11的enumclassenumstruct和enum 1. 旧版enum存在的问题 问题描述 1向整形的隐式转换(Implicit conversion to an integer)2⽆法指定底层所使⽤的数据类型(Inability to specify underlying type)3enum的作⽤域(Scope)4不同编译器解决该问题的⽅法不统⼀ 1....
实际提升的结果由枚举类型的潜在类型决定。The enum classes("new enums", "strong enums") address three problems with traditional C++ enumerations:1. conventional enums implicitly convert to int, causing errors when someone does not want an enumeration to act as an integer.
No implicit conversion to integers which helps enhance type safety.ExampleOpen Compiler #include <iostream> using namespace std; enum class Color { Red, // Implicitly 0 Green, // Implicitly 1 Blue // Implicitly 2 }; // Usage int main() { Color myColor = Color::Red; // Must use ...
We’ll demonstrate how to employ aMapfor seamless conversion ofenumconstants to integers. importjava.util.HashMap;importjava.util.Map;publicclassEnumToIntMapExample{// Enum representing days of the weekpublicenumDaysOfWeek{SUNDAY,MONDAY,TUESDAY,WEDNESDAY,THURSDAY,FRIDAY,SATURDAY;}// Map for enum to ...
int carcolor=Color::Silver; //error, implicit conversion to int not allowed int carcolor=static_cast(Color::Silver); //OK One Size Doesn’t Fit All All enum types are implemented as a built-in integral type known as theunderlying type. In C, the underlying type is alwaysint. In C++...
Parameters value Type: DocumentFormat.OpenXml.EnumValue<T> The value to be converted Return Value Type: System.String The converted string See Also Reference EnumValue<T> Class EnumValue<T> Members Implicit Overload DocumentFormat.OpenXml NamespaceEnglish...
其实 enum和struct 、class 一样,者B是用户自定义类型。既然是自定义类型,就可以有他的数据成员,还有成员函数!For example :enum ea=1 , b=2 , c=4;那么:001: enum e e1;/enum e不是对象,它是类型,el才是类型enum的对象!002: e e1; /e 是类型 enum e 的简写003: e1 = 1; / 错误!考试大...
就像上面的代码:我们仍然可以比较两个不同枚举体的大小,用枚举体调用参数为int的函数。显然此时的枚举体发生了 整形提升 。 在无法使用C++11新版enum的情况下,机制的程序员想到了:将enum封装到类的内部的方法。 #include <iostream> class Color { private: ...