We confirmed that those who underwent HoLEP had a significantly shorter hospitalization and functional results, similar to TURP and AP.Trucco Brito, Cristián AlfonsoBassa Moyano, Joan CristobalBrusoni Costolla, StefanoPadilla Pérez, Oslando
题目ercises练习Ru seven colums on doubeshetofpape.A etopfeachclumn r enubsadteword gven te Tabebeow. Copy outte etftheasagPu h wrdo c tteetitecorrect column in the way shown in the Table.在一张大纸上画出7栏,在前两行相应的栏内填入下表中第1、2行的数字和关键词,将课文中其他句子也...
患者 喝了50ml葡萄糖+200ml水,抽了三次血,出来结果两小时后8.7, 还有别的检查么?现场在空腹血糖正常 任磊医生 Your browser does not support the audio element. 扫码查看完整对话内容 提示:疾病因人而异,他人的咨询记录仅供参考,擅自治疗存在风险。