入境摘要申报:Entry Summary Declaration,缩写用 ENS 代表 定义 入境摘要申报是针对所有前往或途经欧盟成员国港口的货物,要求在货物实际到达之前提交的电子预舱单信息。其目的是通过提前获取货物信息,欧盟海关可以进行安全风险评估,确保货物安全,防止潜在的威胁进入欧盟市场。 执行规则 强制性:自2011年1月1日起,欧盟强制要...
ENS(Entry Summary Declaration),是“入境摘要报关单”的英文缩写,指的是欧洲海关提前舱单规则。 自2011年1月1日起,欧盟将对前往或途经欧盟港口的所有货运强制执行“舱单提前申报”的规则,该规则适用于全部27个欧盟成员国(以下附上了欧盟成员国名单)。 不提交ENS有什么风险? 如果未能遵守此规则,最严重时可能导致停止...
ENS(Entry Summary Declaration),是“入境摘要报关单”的英文缩写,指的是欧洲海关提前舱单规则。针对所有进入欧盟的货物,公司必须向集装箱船挂靠的欧盟国家首个停靠港提交入境摘要报关单 (ENS),而且必须在起运港装载前24小时之前提交。如果未能遵守此规则,最严重时可能导致停止装卸货物,以及货流和供应链的中断。另外,...
ENTRYSUMMARYDECLARATIONENSSURCHARGEDECLARATIONS2006THEYMLEU 系统标签: declarationentrysummaryensshipmentdoral HellmannWorldwideLogistics,Inc. USAHeadquarters 10450DoralBoulevard Doral,Florida33187 USA Phone+13054064500 TollFree+18009999905 Fax+13054064519 .hellmann.net EntrySummaryDeclaration(ENS)forEurope Whatyouneedto...
This new regulation will come into effect January 1st, 2011 and Zim, as the Carrier, will be responsible for providing this manifest (Entry Summary Declaration – ENS) in a timely manner. Of course we are dependant on the information provided by you. ...
What is an ENS? An ENS is an Entry Summary Declaration which is required for all inbound cargo into the European Union, regardless of their destination. The requirement is for: •Import Cargo •FROB (freight Remain on Board) while the vessel calls at the EU ports. ...
This information is submitted in a declaration, known as an “Entry Summary Declaration” (ENS) to the first [air]port of entry into the EU and must include, amongst other things, details which identify the cargo, the traders involved in the movement, the aircraft and the envisaged route in...