4.1.1 Remote Keyless Entry system Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) systems are the successors to the traditional method of opening car doors by inserting physical keys. Keys with RKE-capabilities allow key-holders to remotely lock and unlock car doors, start or stop engines, or turn on and off ant...
Continuity was found at the level of beliefs. Change predominated at the level of the work environment. Continuity as well as change were experienced at the levels of behaviour, competencies, identity and mission. Several aspects of career changers’ workplace learning are identified which deserve...
Der Beitrag gibt einen berblick 眉ber die Grundlagen der bildungstechnologischen Teildisziplin Instructional Design (Instruktionsdesign), der systematischen Konzeption von Lernangeboten. Nach der Darstellung lterer und aktueller Instruktionsdesignmodelle werden das Rahmenmodell DO ID ( Decision Oriented...
Instructional DesignTeaching as Inventiondoi:10.1007/978-1-4614-3858-8_100535Andreas LachnerMatthias NücklesSpringer New York
Instructional Designdoi:10.1007/978-1-4614-3858-8_100535J. SwellerEncyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science
instructional designinstructional technologyinstructioncognitive psychologybehavioral psychologyconstructivismResearch on the learning and teaching on proof in mathematics has largely developed along the past decades. Hundreds of research projects and PhD theses have documented its complexity from multiple…" [more...
Instructional Systems DesignMetacognitionPiagetVygotskyConstructivismReflectioncognitive apprenticeshipartificial intelligencecomputer-assisted instructioninstructional systems designDesign of Learning Environmentsdoi:10.1007/978-1-4419-1428-6_4408Robert D. Tennyson...
Cognitive load theory is used to design instruction. Several aspects of human cognition are critical to instructional design. First, the theory assumes we have not specifically evolved to learn the topics taught in educational and training institutions. Second, these topics require learners to acquire...
With the exponential development of mobile devices and technologies, mobile learning has been in great use in higher education. This chapter will discuss the opportunities and challenges of mobile...Eun-Ok BaekCalifornia State University San BernardinoQi Guo...
Although stressful, it has resulted in what I believe to be the strongest asset of librarian-ship and librarians: flexibility. We are quick learners, early adopters, and will (usually) roll with the punches.doi:10.1093/oso/9780197503706.003.0007William I. Bauer...