entropy of mixing [ˈentrəpi ɔv ˈmiksiŋ] 释义 混合熵 实用场景例句 全部 This last equation does not contradict the entropy - of - mixing formula. 此式与混合熵公式并不矛盾. 辞典例句
An entropy based analysis for the glass transition of amorphous mixtures is presented. The treatment yields an explicit mixing term in the expression for the glass transition temperature of a mixture. The obtained expression reduces to the Couchman-Karasz equation in the li...
A proposal is presented for the characterization of extensive quantities by a figure, characteristic of permixing, which is the generalization of the concept of the entropy of mixing, encountered when mixing ideal gases. As an example, the permixing of internal energy is calculated from the intern...
accuracy in predicting all phases. Additionally, this work provides an extensive analysis of HEA phase formers, showing the contributions of elements and features to the presence of specific phases. We also examine the impact of including different phases on ML model accuracy and feature significance...
Those results suggest that the robustness of superconductivity to external pressure is linked to the configurational entropy of mixing at the M site in MTe. Since the trend is quite similar to previous work on a HEA (Ti–Zr–Hf–Nb–Ta), where the robustness of superconductivity was observed ...
(13.94){RateofchangeofentropycontainedintheCM}={Entropyfluxassociatedwithheatexchanged}+{RateofentropygenerationintheCM} Note that this equation has been deduced for a continuous medium and, therefore, is not valid in a medium that contains discontinuity surfaces, such as those due to interfaces or...
Thermochemical calculations of Sconf performed for some mineral compositions show the importance of non-configurational contributions to the entropy differences between amorphous and crystalline phases. Except for the case of SiO2, the available thermodynamic data indicate that the above equation for ...
Lattice gas models without attractive interactions are used to evaluate the effects of molecular size on entropies of mixing, the effect of excluded volume on mechanical equations of state, and the effect of multiple-site occupation on the adsorption of gases on solid surfaces. A variety of model...
because there exists a series of mixing operations to obtain q→ from p→. That said, there are pairs of probability distributions where neither majorizes the other (here called incomparable), even though mixedness measures F are well-defined for both. This is because, for such incomparable pr...
entropy of mixing4. Alternative criterion to define a HE material is the value of entropy of mixing ΔSmixexpressed as\(\Delta {S}_{mix}=-R\sum_{i=1}^{N}{x}_{i}ln{x}_{i}\), whereR,N, andxiare the gas constant, number of components, and atomic fraction of the components,...