Entropy, complexity, and spatial information. J. Geogr. Syst. 16, 363–385 (2014). PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Boeing, G. Urban spatial order: street network orientation, configuration, and entropy. Appl. Netw. Sci. 67, 1–20 (2019). Google Scholar McNamee, D., Wolpert, D...
SpatialcomplexityWhile information is ubiquitously generated,shared,and analyzed in a modern-day life,there is still some controversy around the ways to assess the amount and quality of information inside a noisy optical channel.A number of theoretical approaches based on,e.g.,conditional Shannon ...
45. Permutational entropy measures the degree of disorder in the pixel arrangement. High values indicate high pixel randomness, while low values correspond to more regular patterns. Statistical complexity instead measures the amount of “structural” complexity. Non-trivial spatial patterns give rise to...
In this study, we describe an atrial fibrillation pattern analysis based on symbolization and information entropy. We transformed RR interval data into symbolic sequence through differential partition, analyzed RR interval pattern, quantified the complexity through Shannon entropy and detected atrial ...
A stochastic complexity analysis is applied to centre-of-pressure (COP) time series, by using different complexity features, namely the spectral entropy, the approximate entropy, and the singular value decomposition spectrum entropy. A principal component analysis allows an estimate of the overall signa...
The organization of intrinsic computation: Complexity-entropy diagrams and the diversity of natural information processing Intrinsic computation refers to how dynamical systems store, structure, and transform historical and spatial information. By graphing a measure of structur... DP Feldman,CS Mctague,JP...
Moreover, the treatment of electronic excitations [12], [13] and complexity of systems [14], [15] and characterization of chemical processes [16], [17] have also used the Shannon entropy in their analysis. And in recent years the Shannon entropy has been studied from the perspective of ...
摘要: We review the role of symmetry in Physics and its interrelationship with order and with information, in the light of modern approaches to the concepts of entropy and of complexity versus disorder.出版时间: 2006/01/20 ISBN: 978-3-540-53941-4 ...
Instead of using a static “define-and-run” scheme, where the model structure is defined beforehand and remains fixed throughout training, we have opted for a dynamic “define-by-run” approach. Our goal is to determine the optimal model complexity and hyperparameters based on the input valid...
[136] studied relationships between Kolmogorov complexity and entropy measures. Consequently, in Figure 10 a constellation stands out that relates these entropies. The concept of entropy has a complicated history. It has been the subject of diverse reconstructions and interpretations, making it ...