故事起源于我之前博客【NLP笔记:fastText模型考察】遇到的一个问题,即pytorch实现的fasttext模型收敛极慢的问题,后来我们在word2vec的demo实验中又一次遇到了这个问题,因此感觉再也不能忽视这个奇葩的问题了,于是我们单独测了一下tensorflow与pytorch的cross entropy实现,发现了如下现象: 代码语言:javascript 复制 importnum...
前面讲到CrossEntropyLoss中用的nll_loss,实际上,该损失函数就是对F.nll_loss的封装,功能也和nll_loss相同。 正如前面所说,先把输入x进行softmax,在进行log,再输入该函数中就是CrossEntropyLoss。 x是预测值,形状为(batch,dim) y是真实值,形状为(batch) 形状要求与CrossEntropyLoss相同。 7 torch.nn.KLDivLos...
cross_entropy---交叉熵是深度学习中常用的一个概念,一般用来求目标与预测值之间的差距。先来回顾一下信息量、熵、交叉熵等基本概念。信息论交叉熵是信息论中的一个概念,要想了解交叉熵的...小。那么信息量应该和事件发生的概率有关。 参考链接:https://www.jianshu.com/p/47172eb86b39 信息...
Introduction Spatio-temporal concepts figure significantly in many NLP techniques such as Time Line Therapy or the Swish Pattern. No other psycho- logical teaching or therapy exploits space-time notions as NLP has done. Elsewhere, I have demonstrated that the use of spatio-temporal concepts and ...
Identification of source code authorship can be a useful tool in the areas of security and forensic investigation by helping to create corroborating evidence that may send a suspected cyber terrorist, hacker, or malicious code writer to jail. When applied to academia, it can also prove a useful...
在pytorch中,F.cross_entropy()是一个常见的损失函数。一个简单的例子如下:(x是数据,y是对应的标签。) 运行结果: 这个函数给人一种一目了然,没什么好讲的感觉。而这,正是看懂了代码,和自己能写出代码的区…
Official implementation for 'Extending LLMs’ Context Window with 100 Samples' - init · GAIR-NLP/Entropy-ABF@14af289
cross-entropy 不是机器学习独有的概念,本质上是用来衡量两个概率分布的相似性的。简单理解(只是简单理解!)就是这样, 如果有两组变量: 如果你直接求 L2 距离,两个距离就很大了,但是你对这俩做 cross entropy,那么距离就是0。所以 cross-entropy 其实是更“灵活”...
These models may find applications in finance and e-commerce, where any increase in performance of less than 1 % has large monetary repercussions, they also have potential applications in natural language processing (NLP), medicine, and physics. To the best of our knowledge, the information ...
《Natural Language Processing with PyTorch》中文翻译. Contribute to entropy-dj/nlp-pytorch-zh development by creating an account on GitHub.