Quantitative trait loci for S. sclerotiorum resistance to penetration or extension of the mycelium in different tissues were studied in three crosses. Major QTLs for resistance were found on linkage group 1, with up to 50% of the phenotypic variability explained by peaks at the map position of ...
(2007). Cambios en las distancias culturales entre paises: Un analisis a las dimensiones culturales de Hofstede. Consultado el 01 de marzo del 2014, en URL:http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?pid=S1012- 15872007000100007&script=sci_arttext...
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the statistical analysis showed clear correlations between clay, organic matter, ph, ec, loam, fe and mn, and the total heavy metals average concentration. the total concentration in soil of zn, pb, cr, ni, mo and cu, and the concentration of cd, cr, cu, pb, mo, mn and ni in ...
Vera, J. (2010). Diferencias en el perfil de involucramiento entre productos de conveniencia y productos de comparacion. Revista Contaduria y Administracion de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, (231), 127-149.VERA, Jorge (2010); Diferencias en el perfil de involucramiento entre ...
actividades agropecuariasbosque tropical secoconflictos ambientalesconservacióndesarrollo turísticoservicios ecosistémicosthe tropical dry forest (tdf) constitutes an environment of a high ecological value and covers extensive areas in the mexican pacific. the biosphere reserve of chamela-cuixmala, in ...