PowerShell 範例會匯出所有應用程式註冊,其中包含您 Microsoft Entra 租用戶中指定應用程式的過期秘密和憑證。
PowerShell 复制 Import-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph.Identity.Governance -Force 在PowerShell 窗口中,使用 Connect-MgGraph 登录到你的租户。 PowerShell 复制 Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory" 使用Get-MgUser 获取要为其分配角色的用户。 PowerShell 复制 $user = Get-MgUse...
開啟PowerShell 視窗,並使用Import-Module匯入 Microsoft Graph PowerShell 模組。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱使用PowerShell或 Graph 總管的必要條件。 在PowerShell 視窗中,使用連線-MgGraph登入您的租使用者。 使用Get-MgUser取得您想要指派角色的使用者。 指派角色 ...
如果使用 Microsoft Entra B2B 协作功能与外部合作伙伴进行协作,可同时通过门户或通过 PowerShell 邀请多名来宾用户加入你的组织。 在本教程中,你将学习如何使用 PowerShell 向外部用户批量发送邀请。 具体操作如下:准备一个具有用户信息的逗号分隔值 (.csv) 文件 运行PowerShell 脚本以发送邀请 验证是否已将用户添加...
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You can use this PowerShell script to analyze users' MFA configurations and suggest the appropriate MFA authentication method.For the best flexibility and usability, use the Microsoft Authenticator app. This authentication method provides the best user experience and multiple modes, such as passwordless...
\n Our Identity-related investments in the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK will be focused on, but not limited to, high-use scenarios such as user, group, and application management and role-based access controls (RBAC).\n\n Our eventual goal is that eve...
You can use this PowerShell script to analyze users' MFA configurations and suggest the appropriate MFA authentication method.For the best flexibility and usability, use the Microsoft Authenticator app. This authentication method provides the best user experience and multiple modes, such as passwordless...
You can use thisPowerShell scriptto analyze users' MFA configurations and suggest the appropriate MFA authentication method. For the best flexibility and usability, use the Microsoft Authenticator app. This authentication method provides the best user experience and multiple modes, such as passwordless,...
Writing PowerShell scripts can be a fulfilling task. After all, you write something to assist with a task or procedure so you can focus on the result, not the task itself. But what if your script tries to run an action and is unsuccessful, for example, when a user the script attempts...