本文說明如何使用 Microsoft Entra 系統管理中心、Microsoft Graph PowerShell 或 Microsoft Graph API,在 Microsoft Entra ID 中建立自定義角色。如需自訂角色的基本概念,請參閱 自定義角色概觀。 角色只能在目錄層級範圍或應用程式註冊資源範圍指派。 如需可在 Microsoft Entra 組織中建立之自定義角色數目上限的詳細...
本文介绍如何使用 Microsoft Entra 管理中心、Microsoft Graph PowerShell 或 Microsoft Graph API 在 Microsoft Entra ID 中创建自定义角色。有关自定义角色的基础知识,请参阅 自定义角色概述。 只能在目录级范围或应用注册资源范围中分配角色。 有关可在 Microsoft Entra 组织中创建的最大自定义角色数的信息,请参阅...
microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/managePermissionGrantsForSelf。{id} 其中{id}會由應用程式同意原則的識別碼取代,這會設定必須符合的條件,才能讓此許可權處於作用中狀態。 例如,若要允許使用者代表自己授與同意,受限於識別碼microsoft-user-default-low為 的內建應用程式同意原則,您可以使用 許可權...managePer...
自訂角色可以在 Microsoft Entra 系統管理中心上的 [角色和管理員]頁面中建立。 必要條件 Microsoft Entra ID P1 或 P2 授權 特殊權限角色管理員或全域管理員 使用PowerShell 時的 Microsoft Graph 模組 針對Microsoft Graph API 使用 Graph 總管時的管理員同意 ...
After the initialApprove federated authenticationtask is successful, if you want to change roles, you have 2 options to edit the account with the current role of Microsoft Entra ID Global Administrator. Change the account to one of the following roles: ...
After the initialApprove federated authenticationtask is successful, if you want to change roles, you have 2 options to edit the account with the current role of Microsoft Entra ID Global Administrator. Change the account to one of the following roles: ...
value user.assignedroles to resolve to the value of the users roles set for the ProdPad enterprise application in Microsoft Entra (i.e. "reviewer","editor" or "admin.") If the value is missing or not one of the three specified, ProdPad will default to setting the user as "reviewer."...
-Equally, the same lifecycle automation lets you grant access to people as they change roles, or remove access as employees leave your organization. Which brings us to our fifth capability, Face Check with Verified ID. -This works together with ID Protection and ID Governance controls to acceler...
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/scenario-protected-web-api-verification-scope-app-roles https://dev.to/425show/just-what-is-the-default-scope-in-the-microsoft-identity-platform-azure-ad-2o4d Links Azure SDK Authentication and the Azure SDKAbout...
name: MICROSOFT_CLIENT_TENANT_ID value: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx name: ENABLE_SIGNUP value: "True" name: ENABLE_LOGIN_FORM value: "False" name: DEFAULT_USER_ROLE value: user name: OAUTH_ROLES_CLAIM value: roles name: OAUTH_ADMIN_ROLES ...