本主題示範如何使用 ObjectQuery 來執行含有參數的 Entity SQL 查詢。 此範例會將兩個參數傳遞給 ObjectQuery、執行查詢,然後逐一查看 Contact 項目的集合。 相同範例會使用下列每個 Entity Framework 查詢技術顯示:LINQ to Entities Entity SQL 與 ObjectQuery<T> ObjectQuery<T> 的查詢產生器方法 ...
Service dependencies parameter class for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.RelationalParameterBasedSqlProcessorFactory This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally not used in application code. RelationalParameterBasedSqlProcessorParameters Parameters for...
This topic provides an example of how to execute Entity SQL query with parameters by using EntityCommand. To run the code in this example Add the AdventureWorks Sales Model to your project and configure your project to use the Entity Framework. To do this, do one of the following: If you...
at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.Internal.InternalEntityEntry.PrepareToSave() This is because a single instance of the Address entity type (with the same hidden key value) is being used for three different entity instances. On the other hand, sharing the same instance between complex...
How to orderby an include entity in Entity Framework How to pass multiple parameters with SQL How to pass string values to parameterized sql query in Clause? How to pass the DataTable from one method to another in the same class... How to put where condition in sum function in LINQ How...
SQL query string OptionalDbParameterobjects, in case of use of parameterized query Let's start writing the code. Entity Framework C# Shrink ▲ usingSystem.Data;usingSystem.Data.Common;usingSystem.Data.Entity;publicstaticclassDbContextExtensions ...
此时我们通过控制台打印能够看出最终生成的SQL语句是以字符串形式展示,在EntityFramework Core 2.0+上执行原始查询的APi即FromSql有重载方法,如下: public static IQueryable<TEntity> FromSql<TEntity>([NotNullAttribute] this IQueryable<TEntity> source, [NotNullAttribute][NotParameterized] FormattableString sql...
此时我们通过控制台打印能够看出最终生成的SQL语句是以字符串形式展示,在EntityFramework Core 2.0+上执行原始查询的APi即FromSql有重载方法,如下: publicstaticIQueryable<TEntity> FromSql<TEntity>([NotNullAttribute]thisIQueryable<TEntity> source, [NotNullAttribute][NotParameterized] FormattableString sql)where...
How to: Execute a Parameterized Entity SQL Query Using EntityCommand How to: Execute a Parameterized Stored Procedure Using EntityCommand How to: Execute a Polymorphic Query How to: Navigate Relationships with the Navigate Operator SqlClient for the Entity Framework Writing an Entity Framework Data Pr...
};await_connection.ExecuteAsync(sqlCommand, queryArguments); } ExecuteAsyncis another Dapper extension method. As you can see, Dapper has a slightly nicer syntax than Npgsql, especially for parameterized commands. Entity Framework Entity Frameworkis a big full-featured object-relational mapping framewor...