原文地址http://www.infoq.com/articles/multiple-databases ORM 用户已经习惯于处在 .NET 和 LINQ 角度思考问题,缺忘记了特定数据库的细节——在功能和执行 SQL 效率上的差异。本文简要讨论一些在用户利用实体框架(Entity Framework,缩写EF)与 Oracle、MySQL、PostgreSQL 或是 SQLite 交互,而不是与 Microsoft SQL S...
Entity Framework (EF) 是一个开源的对象关系映射器(ORM),它使.NET开发者能够使用.NET对象来处理数据库。当需要将相同的更改保存到多个数据库时,可以通过以下步骤实现: 基础概念 DbContext: EF的核心类,代表与数据库的会话,用于查询和保存实体。 Change Tracking: EF自动跟踪对实体的更改,以便在调用Save...
LINQ to SQL eventually was brought into Microsoft’s Data Programmability team, and in November 2008 the team announced that because the technologies target the same problems, going forward they would focus on developing the Entity Framework, which supports multiple databases and aligns with many of...
A plugin for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore to support repository, unit of work patterns, multiple database with distributed transaction supported, and MySQL multiple databases/tables sharding supported. entityframeworkcore unitofwork Updated Jan 8, 2023 C# madslundt / NetCoreMicroservicesSample Star 697...
Provides a simple API surface for configuringDbContextOptions. Databases (and other extensions) typically define extension methods on this object that allow you to configure the database connection (and other options) to be used for a context. ...
EF Core 6.0 Release Candidate 1 was released to NuGet a few weeks ago. This release is the first of two “go live” release candidates that are supported in production. EF Core 6.0 RC1 runs on Release Candidate 1 for .NET 6.0, which also has a “go live” license. ...
A plugin for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore to support repository, unit of work patterns, multiple database with distributed transaction supported, and MySQL multiple databases/tables sharding supported. - arch/UnitOfWork
Unlike Primary Keys, Entity Framework will support mutability on properties that participate in a unique constraint.Along with that, we plan on supporting OnUpdate cascading behavior. This is something that is supported by databases. It simply allows you to specify that when the principal end of ...
Some databases (including SQL Server) don't support multiple relationships that specify cascade delete pointing to the same table. Because Code First configures required relationships to have cascade delete, this results in an error if you have two required relationships to the same entity. You can...
Select Razor Pages using Entity Framework (CRUD) > ADD. In the Add Razor Pages using Entity Framework (CRUD) dialog: In the Model class drop-down, select Student (ContosoUniversity.Models). In the Data context class row, select the + (plus) sign. Change the data context name to end...