當呼叫SaveChanges方法時,物件服務會產生及執行一些命令,這些命令會對資料來源執行同等的插入、更新或刪除陳述式 (Statement)。如需詳細資訊,請參閱儲存變更及管理並行 (Entity Framework)。 舉例來說,假設您執行一個查詢,傳回SalesOrderHeader物件和相關SalesOrderDetail物件的集合。您可以列舉此集合,並執行以下作業: 變更...
接着运行MyTest,会出现图5所示的异常,提示“创建 entityFramework 的配置节处理程序时出错: 未能加载文件或程序集“EntityFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089”或它的某一个依赖项。找到的程序集清单定义与程序集引用不匹配。 (异常来自 HRESULT:0x80131040)”。这段提示...
advanced SQL functionality, not supported or poorly supported by EntityFrameworkCore like BulkCopy support, SQL MERGE operations, convinient DML (Insert/Delete/Update) operations and many-many-many other features LINQ To DB provides, but you need change tracking functionality that EntityFramework ...
How to attach a dynamic table to entity framework How to bind gridview using Entity Framework 6.0? How to call function from LINQ Query Select statement! How to call scalar value function from vb.net How to Change Date Format in LINQ How to change the column name in gridview How to change...
OmitClauseExistsExcept removes the clause from Merge statement, required when having noncomparable types like XML, and useful when need to activate triggers even for same data. _ Also in some sql collation, small and capital letters are considered same (case-insensitive) so for BulkUpdate set ...
The transaction is gone, as in the single insert case, because MERGE is a single statement protected by an implicit transaction. Also, the temporary table is gone and the OUTPUT clause now sends the generated IDs directly back to the client. This can be four times faster than on EF Core ...
Entity Framework database changes not seen in the, Entity by itself has a mechanism to cache the entities to increase the speed time when select etc are done twice or more than one time. You can change the state of an entity by setting. entity.State = EntityState.Modified; Please consider...
Assign: CascadeDelete: CascadeMerge: CascadeReparent: CascadeRollupView: NoCascadeShare: CascadeUnshare: Cascadeactivity_pointer_appointmentOne-To-Many Relationship: activitypointer activity_pointer_appointmentExpand table PropertyValue ReferencedEntity activitypointer ReferencedAttribute activityid Referencing...
Bulk Merge What is Entity Framework Core? Entity Framework Core(EF Core) is the recommended Object-Relational Mapper (ORM) for.NET, formerly known as .NET Core. As the successor to EF6, EF Core has been entirely reengineered and made open source onGitHub. ...
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