部分效果及自定义状态效果没有强度之分,如夜视 showParticles bool 是否显示粒子效果,True显示,False不显示 返回值 数据类型说明 bool True表示设置成功 示例复制python res = self.AddEffect("speed", 30, 2, True) # GetEffects服务端method in Preset.Model.Entity.EntityObject.EntityObject...
Length of time to set the entity on fire. useEffects?: boolean = true Whether side-effects should be applied (e.g. thawing freeze) and other conditions such as rain or fire protection should be taken into consideration. Returns boolean - Whether the entity was set on fire. This can fail...
If you absolutely need to store it separately and found related hard-to-find bug, you might consider temporary enabling runtime entity misuse checks: Entity entity = world.CreateEntity(); Entity.IsMisuseDetectionEnabled = true; // this property is available in release as well, but is not ...
minecraft:sound_volume minecraft:sound_volume sets the entity's base volume for sound effects. minecraft:spawn_entity minecraft:spawn_entity adds a timer after which this entity will spawn another entity or item (similar to vanilla's chicken's egg-laying behavior). minecraft:strength minecraft:stre...
entityareaeffectcloud.setWaitTime(10); entityareaeffectcloud.setRadiusPerTick(-entityareaeffectcloud.getRadius() / (float)entityareaeffectcloud.getDuration()); entityareaeffectcloud.setPotion(p_190542_2_);for(PotionEffect potioneffect : PotionUtils.getFullEffectsFromItem(p_190542_1_)) ...
protectedoverridevoidTickCore(Entityhost, RealmTime time,refobjectstate){intcooldown;if(state ==null) cooldown =1000;elsecooldown = (int)state; Status = CycleStatus.NotStarted;if(host.HasConditionEffect(ConditionEffects.Paralyzed))return;varplayer = (Player)host.GetNearestEntity(distance,null);if...
网络个体时点固定效应回归模型 网络释义 1. 个体时点固定效应回归模型 ③个体时点固定效应回归模型(time and entity fixed effects model)。如果 一个面板数据模型定义为: ' 0 , 1, 2,..., ; 1, 2,..., it... www.docin.com|基于 1 个网页
--- @return boolean @True if the entity is set to be persistent. function GEntity:GetPersistent() end --- Returns player who is claiming kills of physics damage the entity deals. --- @param timeLimit number @The time to check if the entity was still a proper physics attacker --- @...
Note that we could have also run the command in the on_entry array of the default state, but that would've also played the effects when spawning the robot or reloading the world because the game will always first transition into the default state....