If the selected drill-down entity has a 1-to-many relationship with a rollup entity and the amount entity is different from the rollup entity, the amount fields must be manually configured. After you select the amount entity, the possible amount fields that are used to aggregate the rollup ...
Until the entity list is refreshed, a warning message appears, stating that The entity list must be refreshed from the framework parameters form to fetch configuration key information for the data entities. Make sure that you validate the existing data projects and jobs to ensure that they ...
Specifies that a value must be specified for this field. Read Only Specifies that this value may be read by a GET, but is ignored during a POST.AssociatePartitions The AssociatePartitions entity includes the names of two partitions to associate with each other and arbitrary properties. The prope...
A Space is a convenient location to store entities that are exposed through the Content Services REST API. This is especially useful because an app (or any channel) can be associated with many entities. Forcing Entities to be within a Space forces the best practice of grouping an App’s req...
(UDT) is specified as the referenced entity, this function returns each user-defined entity that reference that type by name in its definition. The function does not return entities in other databases that may reference the specified entity. This function must be executed in the context of the...
An entity class must follow these requirements:The class must be annotated with the javax.persistence.Entity annotation. The class must have a public or protected, no-argument constructor. The class may have other constructors. The class must not be declared final. No methods or persistent ...
Live response has a library where you can put files into. The library stores files (such as scripts) that can be run in a live response session at the tenant level. Live response allows PowerShell scripts to run, however you must first put the files into the library before you can run...
$dest) { throw new AssertionError("A DEST environment variable must be specified!"); } $client = HttpClientBuilder::buildDefault(); $sm = function (string $message, string $parse_mode = '', array $entities = []) use ($token, $dest, $client): array { $res = $client->request(...
The property name, operator, and constant value must be separated by URL-encoded spaces. A space is URL-encoded as%20. All parts of the filter string are case-sensitive. The constant value must be of the same data type as the property in order for the filter to return valid results. ...
Microsoft.Office.Interop.MSProject _EProjectApp _EProjectApp_Event _EProjectApp_NewProjectEventHandler _EProjectApp_ProjectBeforeAssignmentChangeEventHandler _EProjectApp_ProjectBeforeAssignmentDeleteEventHandler _EProjectApp_ProjectBeforeAssignmentNewEventHandler ...