1.15), to obtain the specific enthalpy of an air condition, a straight edge is used to join the corresponding enthalpy marks above the 100% saturation line with those on either the bottom or the right-hand side of the chart. Humid Specific Heat Eq. (1.15) for specific enthalpy can be ...
The authors have proposed a concept of "specific relative humidity" and given out the accurate formulae for calculating the thermophysical properties of moist air in a wide range. On the bases of this concept and these formulae, a generalized enthalpy-humidity chart which may be applied at diff...
焓湿图Psychrometrics; 制冷 psychrometric chart 标准摩尔燃烧焓Standard enthalpy change of combustion; standard molar combustion enthalpy 标准摩尔生成焓standard enthalpy of formation; standard molar formation enthalpy 双语例句 1. A change in enthalpy also takes place when a change of phase occurs. ...
Entropy increases as ice melts into water. 3 Enthalpy Reflects the heat exchanged in a chemical process at constant pressure. Measuring the enthalpy of combustion gives insights into fuel efficiency. 6 Entropy Crucial for understanding the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The Second Law states that entr...
15.A Study Water Steam Enthalpy-Exergy Diagram and Its Application;水和水蒸汽的焓(火用)图及其应用研究 16.The Application of Free Enthalpy-Oxidation Diagram In Inorganic Chemistry;无机化学中自由焓——氧化态图的应用 17.The Relationships among State Parameters in Psychometric Chart;焓湿图(i-d图)中...
By means of interpolation based on reduced temperature, a procedure, using the enthalpy chart of petroleum fractions, to determine the enthalpy of saturated vapor and liquid near the critical region, is suggested. 1. From the Watson characterization factor K and the specific gravity of the fraction...
Blanchart, Desorption of water during the drying of clay minerals. Enthalpy and entropy variation, Ceram. Int. 25 (1999) 409-414.Khalfi, A.; Banchart, P. Desorption of water during the drying of clay minerals. En- thalpy and entropy variation. Ceram. Int. 1999, 25, 409-414....
4) free enthalpy-oxidation state chart 自由焓-氧化态图 1. Based on thermodynamics,the judgment of its chemical property can be carried on by using itsfree enthalpy-oxidation state chart,including a relative stability in the water solution,the possibility of disproportion,the tendency and ability ...
8.A Study Water Steam Enthalpy-Exergy Diagram and Its Application;水和水蒸汽的焓(火用)图及其应用研究 9.The Application of Free Enthalpy-Oxidation Diagram In Inorganic Chemistry;无机化学中自由焓——氧化态图的应用 10.The Relationships among State Parameters in Psychometric Chart;焓湿图(i-d图)中各...
The glass bulb was broken to introduce the sample into the solution when a steady state thermal signal was obtained on the strip chart re- corder. The energy equivalent of the calorimeter was determined before each measurement by electrical cali- bration. The enthalpies of dissolution of La2O3...